Ever since humans began to communicate verbally the fairer sex has always been blamed for this little negative social convention.
Folk tales concerning a woman spreading gossip of another and plucking chicken feathers have been printed countless times in “and-the-moral-of-story-is” books. In the past, one has heard such sayings as “Hold your tongue girl!” to recent times sayings like “Like grandmothers, from morning till night will gossip!”. Never has the not so-fairer sex ever been identified for engaging in ‘idle chatter’ (definition of gossip by Wikipedia).
So does it mean that men don’t gossip?.... At all???
“Men don’t gossip,” says Oshan, a 24 year old student. “How can you possible disagree? Honestly men. Guys prefer talking about technical stuff. Like sports or cars....”
Interesting. Then how is it that it’s generally the boys who know which girl is more uh ahem accessible than the other???

“That’s not gossip! That discussing merchandise and chances of scoring big with one product as opposed to another,” he explains seriously.
Basically when men “discuss”, it serves a fruitful purpose, it’s either to increase their already abundant knowledge of athletic games, computer software and vehicle engines OR more importantly to keep their male prowess informed of possible mating partners. Since rarely chick chatter relates to any of these subjects, what they speak of is useless.
Really? This so called discussing cannot be classified as GOSSIPING???
“Men do gossip,” admits Harith, 23 bravely, “But for different reasons. Men don’t gossip about other men, like women gossip about other women. But men do gossip about women.”
Aha! I knew it! That would explain why most males are aware of certain females’ precise upper body measurements...
“It’s the man to man talk,” he adds briskly.
Now that we have a confession from a representative of the muscle and brawn, the more important query is which one of us indulges in it more?
Is it The Ladies or The Gentlemen?
“Women,” replies 36 year old lawyer and educator Amrit, shrugging indifferently “It’s science.”

“I think women and men gossip A LOT,” says Thirsha, 24 very thoughtfully. “Men gossip as much or MORE than us. And I know this coz I have 5 guys on my team. They gossip amongst themselves.”
“Men gossip more than women for the simple reason that they are more judgmental. They assume they are better than women and most often think they are better than their peers so they discuss and judge everyone,” Anithra, 23 explains wryly. “They don’t consider it gossip though. They think it’s just conversation.”
“In my experience, women do gossip more. However both men and women seem to enjoy it equally,” Janeen, 24, ponders rationally.
This is just a ride on a merry-go-round. The Lasses will always (and justly) say that the Chaps gossip more than them and vice versa. It’s another one of those battles that the bros will win because gossiping has been accepted as a female social pastime.
Is this really it? I mean come on! Who runs the celebrity news channel E ??? RYAN SEACREST! Who is Perez Hilton?!? A MAN whose main source of income is celebrity GOSSIP! Women for centuries have been labelled as ‘chatter boxes’, ‘loose mouth’ ‘gossips’ and it will be so for the next few millenniums because of stereotypical thinking???
The daily mail confirms otherwise. A poll conducted by BMRB Research recently concluded some 55% of MEN said they gossiped at work, compared with 46% of women whose top topics were family feuds, old school friends, fashion errors and what neighbours are like. Among men the favourite subject was old school friends, the sexiest girl at work, promotions, salaries, and finally their best friend's conquest.
Who do you think gossips more?
X0X0 ;)
(By Shazzana Hamid)