Who's More Romantic?

Jun 09 2014.

views 770

The majority assumes that men are more romantic when it comes to a relationship. With all the chivalrous acts and romantic gestures they present, one can only assume the men to be better romantics. Here’s what our readers had to say about it..

Migara - The better romantic? I would say women. Men might take the first initiative of asking a girl out but it's the girl who controls and keeps the relationship going. But then again, it's 50-50 I would say. I would make it a tie.

Senuri - Women because we are more sensitive and let our feelings out more than men, as men tend to hide it and women tend to express it more I guess.

Asanka - I would say that males are better romantics, because they always want to take the girls out on dates and it is the guy that frequently says the words 'I love you'. He usually comes up with the most creative idea to spice up his relationship, all the more for the woman to call this man a hopeless romantic.

Brian - Women have raised their stakes; it's not really about love anymore. It’s about who sweeps them off their feet the best now so guys naturally are into making sure the love of their life have no reason to walk away. You find more guys who want to be in stable relationships than girls and because of that they want to give security to the one they love, and make sure they're comfortable with you in the long run so yes...guys are the better romantics.

Inesh - Granted, flowers come only on demand, but guys put themselves so far out of their comfort zone to get a smile on a girl's face so yeah, it's definitely the men who are more romantic.

Lishani - well in general, men are more romantic, but mostly because they're obliged to be; they're the ones who have to buy flowers and chocolates according to social expectations.

Shahlaa - Men prefer video games in general or sports. Women think more sensitive than men. So basically their behaviour itself suggests who's more romantic. But then again there are exceptions.

By Hasna Saleem


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