What You Wish You Knew

Aug 25 2012.

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Every now and again people turn back and wonder of the paths not taken and the opportunities that slid by, all the while wishing they had known back then what they knew now. As far as love, relationships and girls in general go, everyone’s got a regret and someone that got away.

As unlikely as it is that anyone will accomplish going back in time, it might be a good idea to know the top things voted on the list of things men wish they knew about women when they were 18. If any of these come as a surprise, thank me later I’ve just saved you a regret.




Fear Of Rejection


Behind every opportunity that was never made use of is almost always the fear of having been rejected. It’s rational to be afraid of embarrassment and rejection however what needs be realized is that there isn’t a man on earth who didn’t get rejected at least once in his lifetime.

Like the saying goes, “you miss all of the shots you don’t take”. Stop being afraid to fail and try your luck chances are better of you risking failure than ensuring it.




Too Little Too Late




This one is almost as bad as not trying. Taking too long to approach a girl gives off a creepy vibe and conveys a lack of self confidence. The golden rule is what PUA circles call the three second rule.

Three seconds from when you spot a prospective target, go over and say hi. The amount of work put behind a crafty pick up line is better used by walking up to her and saying a simple hi.



Conversation Is Just Foreplay




The right thing to say from the pick-up line to the good bye is a nice concept, but isn’t one that is practical. There’s no way that anyone can carry out a full conversation saying the exact perfect things to guide the conversation to your bedroom.

Sometimes all you need is to say something, anything to keep the conversation going. A funny light hearted touch to an ordinary day to day conversation will go a long way on scoring you those valuable extra points.


Appearances That Don’t Matter



I’m talking about the validating process that goes into establishing the cool factor. The right clothes, the right car, the right friends and the right date will all do a decent job of establishing you on top of the dating food chain but like all other aspects of life, slow and steady usually win.

Pay more attention to sustainable and steady validations than the flashy one night ones.


Honesty Is The Best Policy




Everyone eventually learns that no good comes from faking it or lying to people. Truth is always a preferred alternative and comes at a much lower cost than a lie any day.

People will always appreciate the truth in the place of anything else no matter how non impressive that truth may be.


Breaking Up Is Okay




As reluctant as we are to move on from one relationship to another or one job to another sometimes it’s the right thing to do.

And holding back on the inevitable only causes dissatisfaction and a loss of time that will never be recovered again.

The One



If finding the one was as easy as we make it out to be, they really wouldn’t be the one. Face it, how many times have you thought someone was the one for you, and how many times have you been wrong?

Chances are, the next time you think she’s the one, you’ll be wrong again.

The important thing is to realize that everyone has a part to play in your life and everyone really is the one in their own special way.






By Dilshan Senaratne


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