The player personality

Dec 07 2012.

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Seeing that players are a mainstream gender role which serves important social paradigms for both genders, it’s important to understand the workings of a player’s framework. For men, players provide an all important aspiration to better themselves and have better luck with the fairer sex, while for women players offer the opportunity and thrill to tame an otherwise impenetrable beast.

The Casanova complex now loosely referred to as being a player may or may not be the preferable game of choice for certain men, not all men are players by choice some are suffering from underlying psychological conditions or childhood conflicts which amount to them being unable to form reasonable closure and intimacy in relationships, others however are players by choice and enjoy their many exploits.
Whether or not one be a player by choice, certain characteristics in their demeanor are similar and partially form the reasoning under which most women fall prey to their…


Charm is a trait that all players hold dear to them, most guys who come across too good to be true almost always are. A player knows how to make his way around a joke or a cheesy one liner all the while getting on everybody’s good side.
These guys are born talkers with silver-tongued eloquence which rarely fails to impress. There are mainly two types for a player’s charm and one may employ both depending on his approach. The first of the charming styles is the jovial charm, this is the happy guy at the pub buying everyone a round of drinks all the while keeping his eyes focused steadily on yours with an unwavering smile.
Beyond a doubt his opening will be a light hearted one and the rest of the conversation too will flow just as smooth, the real surprise is when he has all your friends following him around even before he hooks you on.
The second type of player charm is the dark brooding type, he’s silent and even his exterior is quite the mystery, it’ll be unexpected when he eventually does approach you but the opening will be compelling nevertheless, his words and smile are used sparingly and when he brings those out you know you’re in trouble. Players are best known for their charm second only if at all to their…
I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again to all those men who aspire to live a player lifestyle, being a player doesn’t mean that everything you touches to gold, in this case nor that everyone you touch winds up in bed with you.
Being a player simply means that your chances of taking someone home are relatively higher than the next guy’s, not to mention being psychologically damaged and tormented. One defining factor that works for players is their persistence; players are generally willing to sacrifice a lot in the range of their friends and their dignity to make sure that they score.
Persistence really is driven by two ulterior motives, one being that if you throw enough stones in the dark a few of them are bound to land. The second is that player’s usually appreciate the chase, and the longer it takes to chase the more rewarding it is when they eventually succeed and succeed they will armed with their persistent…
Confidence is key when operating as a player, women can sense insecurity and fear from miles away, in a way it’s fair to say that your chances are made even before you utter your first words to a woman and if her first impression is made against you, you better hope that the words you utter are quite literally out of this world.
Confidence bordering on almost cocky seeps through every move a player makes from the way he walks to the way he talks and nothing turns a woman on more than confidence does, am I right ladies? 
...The Chameleon Effect
A player has only one moral value and that one is simple; nothing is too big a sacrifice to score. Starting from the food he likes to his favourite colour, the back story of every good player is really just a fabrication of circumstance.
In simple he makes up his personality, adding where necessary and taking away where unnecessary to create a personality which he knows will work to get you in bed. Next time you tell him you’re favourite colour is Azure and hear him say “oh my god, that’s my favourite colour” beware!
By Dilshan Senaratne 


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