The Casanova Complex

Jul 20 2012.

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Giacomo Casanova, the 18th century bad boy is infamous for his numerous ‘sex-capades’ with countless number of women who eagerly submitted themselves understanding that the words he spoke and the affections he declared were empty. 
The history trivia aside, Casanova is recorded proof of one thing: A woman whose conventional claim is love, marriage and family craves for a man who can’t her give any of that. 
Why do girls like these p-diddy cases??
“... Because a player will always ALWAYS make you feel wanted,” offers Hasulie, 23, with a cheeky grin. 
That’s the obvious explanation. Because generally when a player is playing his game on you, he has only one thing on his mind.  
So besides the sexual dynamics...?
“Cause... it’s the mystery. And the fact that they are unpredictable,” answers Nadia, an 18 year old student, “because we like the constant ‘not knowing what’s gonna happen next’ feeling, and we like the challenge. It’s exciting.” 
Ah yes the mental sport they get you to willingly engage in with them makes it all the more irresistible. 
However bad boys in general are self obsessed, egoistic, and selfish. They get what they want and then they (abracadabra) disappear. Knowing this what possibly could make rational minded girls to forget common sense?
“See women are competitive ya. So to say that they got the attention of a player could mean something; as opposed to the average boring man,” explains Sabra, 23. 
Frankly there isn’t a single female who doesn’t like to be openly pursued. 
Hence there is something flattering about them paying special attention to you... especially in a room full of other attractive options.
However Steve Friedman the author of Lost on Treasure Island: A Memoir of Longing, Love, and Lousy Choices in New York City partly feels that women who like these kind of fellows are often women who might not want commitment, but it’s easier to blame that on a fatal attraction to the wrong kind of men rather than to admit to themselves that they don’t want commitment.
While this maybe the darker extent of the truth, Nuzrath, a 33 year old mom and directress, suspects otherwise. “Women have that ‘mother’ instinct and this makes them want to ‘change’ that person,” she adds thoughtfully.
That makes sense. It’s the ultimate (and timeless) feminine fantasy, that the ‘wild’ man will someday be ‘tamed’ by the woman he loves and he then becomes  a changed (for the better) man AND of course they live happily ever after. 
While Hollywood endlessly endorses this dream, reality is that “once a player...always a player.”
But despite their careless behaviour, there is certainly something alluring about these Casanovas. 
Their confidence makes your knees weak, their ‘I came, I saw, I conquered’ attitude’ gets your stomach all queasy, and that look they give like they know your anatomy better than you do, gives you goosebumps on your back. 
So like they say... “Don’t hate the playa...Hate the game ;)” 
(Article by Shazzana Hamid)


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