Nice guy pitfalls (Part 2)

Oct 05 2012.

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Nice guys and their world renowned ability to repel girls is a point of attention in contemporary contexts, with most recent movies and sitcoms continuing to portray nice guys in a rather obscure light.

As mentioned before, nice guys are being penalized not for their nicety which isn’t a repulsive trait at all, but instead it’s the little quirks that accompany a nice guy which makes for his appalling nature. Here’s a continuation of those reasons and traits.
Do you love me?
The most repulsive of habits that nice guys pack in their bulky guts and baggage is the craving they have for acceptance. More often than not a nice guy is so starved for attention that he’ll go to the extent of barbecuing pieces of himself for a dinner date.
This horrendous need for attention and the resulting insecurity makes nice guys a black hole, where all your capacity to pay attention to another human being gets sucked up.
And is it a surprise that girls run away from them, a girl will never know whether a nice guy is after her because of who she is or because she dangled a sliver of potential acceptance in his face. Like a dog, a nice guy will slobber all over you and devour any attention you can pay him. Clearly not an attractive trait.

This is the point where I’m going to have to ask all you feminists to please leave this article. This one won’t be easy to digest.
For all of their whining about emancipation women really aren’t looking for equality. If you want evidence for that just take one out for dinner and pass the exorbitant bill to her all the while maintaining your eyes on her face and see the spectrum of emotions that cross her face (surprise, graceful acceptance, horror, disgust, mental torture, etc etc).
Having established that women don’t want to be equal to us, let’s look at why a woman won’t be attracted to a nice guy. All through history men were the rulers, the hunters and women were their adorable playthings. Most women to a certain degree have internalized their liberated roles within modern contexts of employment but few have adapted to the shift of power in the bedroom.
It’s really not a surprise then that women still yearn for a man who will own them. Think international best seller 50 Shades of Grey. There’s a reason the main character isn’t Edward Cullen. Glittery vampires and nice guys are great to play with but no one wants to wake up to that. 

The problem with niceness



I know I said niceness isn’t the problem here and I’m not changing my stand. But think about it, if being nice was your highlighting trait would a girl really compare you with another guy.
Between two guys who aren’t making her cry on a regular basis, a woman wouldn’t decide on one based on him being nicer. Better looking, richer and more popular are factors that are compared but he’s nicer isn’t a very common comparison. No one wants extra nice with their happy meal do they?

The delusion of nicety



Here’s the final key and this one really is an eye opener. “Nice guys finish last” is probably one of the biggest lies any guy can tell themselves to console their recent bad breakup.
See the thing is if she broke up with you and you’re telling yourself it’s because you were too nice, there’s a strong chance you were probably too ugly.
Really, there’s a very big possibility that the guy she’s driving around town with isn’t just a bad boy he’s also probably got cheek bones you could hang your XXL boxers on and a Ferrari with shiny rims that dim the headlights on your station wagon.
By Dilshan Senaratne 
This article is a result of the author’s own research into the subject and is not to be taken as a professional viewpoint.


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