Sep 29 2012.
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All this talk about nice guy’s finishing last really is troubling. It’s almost as if we try our level best to keep nicety as a thing in the past. In all honesty being a nice guy really isn’t all that bad.
I know I’ve preached the pitfalls of being a nice guy quite profoundly in the past, and I stand by all of what I said. The problem with nice guys isn’t that they’re nice. The problem is in the range of accompanying characteristics that nice guys possess alongside they’re niceness.
These guys may have one or many of these appalling qualities that are effective hot girl bane but the only common factor between these guys being their nicety, their niceness gets all the blame. Don’t believe me? Well here’s a list of these said qualities that turn the girls off.
Relapse Rate
As difficult as it is to believe, nice guys and bad boys have the same success rate when approaching women. Before you think I’ve completely lost it, think about it how many nice guys have got drinks thrown in their faces and slapped in public from what you remember? None right?
Exactly more often than not when a girl throws her dirty martini in a guy’s face, it’s a bad boy who gets to taste the free drink. But I agree with you later that night, the bad boy is still going to take home that long legged beauty and the dry faced nice guy is going to be dry in more than one way. The reason is actually two reasons.
One; nice guys take too long to recover from a failed attempt. Nice guys going by their nature target, stalk and follow one girl who they think is “the one” and will spend months perfecting their approach, when they eventually work up the guts to ask her out, if she turns him down, he will take another few months to recover from the pain of rejection. All in all he’s spent a lot of months on one girl!
The bad boy in the red corner probably doesn’t remember who he woke up with in the morning, and the last ten girls who threw drinks in his face? Wait wasn’t it six girls? The point is, bad boys will walk shamefaced down a road and approach every girl in sight, and obviously he’s going to score more.
It’s simple, nice guys bend over backwards trying to please women who probably take advantage of him.
Remember that girl who made you hold her bag so she could put her make-up on and look pretty for her biker boyfriend? Well let’s just say you would’ve had more luck getting her to follow you home if you ran away with her bag. True story.
The Fat Guy Strategy
Well this one’s a psychological concept devised by yours truly, and it’s called the fat guy strategy in memory of a certain guy who is proficient with it.
It’s simple; most of these nice guys really aren’t nice guys. Notice how most bad boys are just big babies with a hurtful past? Well nice guys are just social misfits who reach too high for their own standards and attempts to leverage their pathetic situation by performing typical nice guy acts.
Your girlfriend’s fat friend really is trying to get her into bed; the trick is in holding on long enough to squirm under the weak spots in the friend zone walls. Most nice guys get frustrated by the long time and effort they invest in getting a girl, but some more persevering ones tend to leech for longer. Girls sometimes pick up on this hidden agenda and tend to be suspicious about overly nice guys.
By Dilshan Senaratne
Loku Banda says:
Sep 29, 2012 at 07:31 amNice bs.. keep it coming.
Manashi says:
Oct 01, 2012 at 01:33 pmthe fat guy strategy! that's genius, i know so many guys who try to use that. But girls really do pick up on this trick.
Thomson says:
Oct 02, 2012 at 04:17 amIt's very true also of the
either party could fake their niceties.
So, guys, you too be cautious.