A woman is one of the greatest enigmas that presents itself to us in our lifetime here and centuries of living with the devil herself has done little but to confuse us more.
The countless theories and concepts that have been forwarded with regard to women remain abstract ideas with more exceptions than the rule itself.
It’s hard to prove a lot of things when it comes to the human psyche and even more so when it comes to the female one but it’s possible to establish the likelihood of a few facts on the subject of women with scientific proof to back it up.
Birth Control Pills Make Women Less Attractive
Contrary to the heading, the pill doesn’t make the woman less attractive as per se, but a recent study on the subject has demonstrated that men perceive women to be most attractive during ovulation at which point the male sub conscious picks up on subtle cues in the woman’s physical attributes which reveal that she is fertile and hence ideal for procreation.
This evolutionary mechanism helps to determine that intercourse occurs at the best possible time to increase chances of bearing offspring. The problem is that the pill inhibits ovulation thus attaining its purpose.
The study found that strippers earned at a strip club earned an average tip of 70 dollars when they were ovulating, 50 dollars when they weren’t and 35 dollars when they were menstruating.
Birth Control Shuns Mr. Right
Women are wired naturally to mate with males whose genetic makeup is different to their own as a mechanism to reduce abnormalities in their offspring, but for some reason the pill throws a wrench in this grand plan causing women to be attracted to men with similar genetic patterns.
The resulting issues are numerous and vary, aside from the obvious pitfall of increasing the risk for their offspring to be abnormal; it also causes the woman to lose attraction for the guy once she get off of the pill. The reason isn’t clearly known but it’s theorized that the pill affects women’s hormonal balances hence causing disruptions to their attraction mechanisms.
Orgasms Relieve Menstrual Cramps
Tell your woman to out with the Ponstan and just do you. A good, regular sex life alleviates those horrible menstrual cramps that plague women monthly. According to a 2005 article in Redbook, studies have shown that the oxytocin and endorphins, natural pain killer of the body released during sex can increase your pain tolerance up to 70%.
That means lower pain before her period -- and believe it or not, even during childbirth. Says sex therapist, couples counselor and sex advice columnist Dr. Miro Gudelsky, “Orgasms are one of the best cures for PMS. The reason being that orgasms relieve swelling around the genitals.”
Blue Ovaries
Men aren’t the only ones who need release from intercourse, it’s been found that women who also possess similar erectile tissue in their genitals can suffer from lack of release following arousal.
The engorged ovaries can cause discomfort if sufficient release isn’t provided. Even though women may not ejaculate during orgasm, the orgasm is equally important.
15% Of Women Can’t Get Off
That’s right, 15% of women can’t orgasm through sex alone. The reason being that some women have pleasure centers focused on the Clitoris and hence requires focused stimulation in order to attain orgasm. A point to remember the next time you slave away in bed.
By Dilshan Senaratne