Dec 04 2013.
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“The best-laid plans of mice and men…”quoted Mithila and added “go awry” as he pointed to the rain that had washed away his plans for having an outdoor barbecue on the lawn of his spacious house.
“A barbecue is a peanut compared to what I am going through as I change jobs.”remarked Jessica.
“I know. You wanted to leave because you said you had too much work. But I am afraid it will be the same scenario wherever you go. f you are hardworking, you will be exploited by the Management. Usually, young people are made use of especially if you are willing to work. Jobs are hard to come by and you cannot be too fussy!”chimed in Paula.
“Well, I wanted a change and that’s why I am leaving though I like the company of my colleagues.”said Jessica.
“Are you ambitious? Do you want to reach the top in your career?” asked Paula.
“Well, I want to get on but I don’t know that I want to zoom to the top. If it comes my way, I will welcome it but I don’t want to trample anyone to get there.”said Jessica.
“That’s a good attitude. But you must also remember that you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. You have to make up your mind to go ahead and not worry too much about the fallout.”advised Mithila.
“I try to mix with the others who work with me but I am usually too busy at my computer. I am used to working hard.”said Jessica.
“Well then, you will succeed wherever you go. Just remember not to plan too much and find the time to sniff the roses each day.”said Paula.
By Sirohmi