Forgive me father for I have sinned

Feb 01 2012.

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Majority of us are just looking for that crazy, cant-live-without-you love, some of us are confused and a very few of us are bored and like playing games. It doesn’t matter which category you belong too. Eventually someone always gets hurt. And if you’re the person who is looking for love – a bullet to the gut maybe less painful. Well not to say the other parties aren’t hurt. It’s quite possibly that they are. But it’s you who needs stitches.
For those who are in the pursuit of love, Most of the time it’s a delusion. When we really like someone we imagine sharing our life with them. And if you have more oestrogen than testosterone, this dream will incorporate a home, children, maybe even a dog. Reality that he or she isn’t yours or never will be occurs only mildly. And even if you’re that toughy who likes to keep it real and doesn’t see yourself with him... your still caught up. It’s only until the other party ends things or disappears on that you realize “what a waste of time...”
I used to be very critical of those people who were confused. Because most of the time they were with people who really cared and loved them. I used to think maybe people were too happy. OR they wanted some sort of drama. But the truth was no matter how happy they seemed to be or in your opinion they should be, one of them just doesn’t not know what they want. Admittedly sometimes it was lust. But most of the time they weren’t happy anymore. Or the years had changed them and they didn’t “click” anymore.“We have been together since I was sixteen. She knows everything about me. She’s always there for me. But I have such a great time with this other girl. We can talk for hours... I don’t know what to do...”
Playas and Bambi impersonators whose moral code is “Don’t hate the player. Hate the game” get a ridiculous adrenaline rush. At times it’s a sense of control you have over the other person. Also fact that They aint your property but you certainly like trespassing on it. The sex is hot. When verbally related it’s quite an entertaining tale. But the parts omitted are the tears, the hurt and pain caused to the innocent party whose whole world has fallen apart.
 It’s a wonder why the most intelligent sort get entrapped (willingly or unknowingly)  in an emotional rollercoaster. According to Greek myth (In Plato’s symposium the tale related by Aristophanes) originally that people were born with primal bodies; double bodies. and between them there were three sexes. The males descending from the sun, the women from earth and the man-woman from the moon. These kinds of people (or creatures) tried to scale the heights of heaven and planned to set upon the gods. Mighty Zeus as a punishment blasted them with thunderbolts and severed their bodies in to two. Ever since then people go searching looking for their other significant half.
 No one really likes being the “other” woman or man (?). But sometimes it cannot be helped. Even when it’s clearly wrong. To the seekers of their other half its best be noted that love does not make you cry yourself to sleep or make you only want to sleep after you consumed an entire bottle of alcohol. A boy I once knew said that love is “although isn’t perfect should feel perfect”. So you’ll know when it’s real. 
So until then please stop punishing yourself. People make mistakes. More importantly you’re not the only one to be blamed. 
I guess what we really want end of the day is THAT kind of love. Something like what our parents share with each other. You know the kind where your dad (who refuses to carry a grocery bag due to a tennis elbow) is carrying your mom to the hospital because she can’t hardly walk OR when your mother complains about your fathers disgusting habits while pouring a cup of tea for him. You may say that their era and ours are very different and times HAVE changed. Well I suppose I’m a dreamer... but  I’m not the only one.


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