Dating the crazies

Sep 07 2012.

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Remember that crazy ex who threw a compass at you? Followed you on your way to work and took a detailed record of all your call logs? Well I do, and more often than not, every man has that one ex who went complete psycho and is now in rehab.
If you fall into that category this article isn’t really about you, one crazy girlfriend is an allowance we’re willing to make on behalf of your sanity. This article is about those among you who find themselves constantly at the mercy of a crazy girlfriend.
We all know those girls who blow things (no pun intended) way out of proportion and then proceeds to victimize herself. all the while throwing sharp objects at you and screaming profanity. Sounds familiar? Well here’s why your tendency to attract crazies says more about you than about them.
The Bitch Factor
This is a given trait in almost all psycho girlfriends, the hissy fits and the uncontrollable anger is just part of her every day routine. This is a dominant personality trait and hardly goes unnoticed. The interesting thing about guys who fancy this type of behavior (conveniently described as feisty) whether it be on a conscious level or a sub conscious one, can be either of two reasons.
Firstly the anger that is characteristic of this behavior pattern is something that the guy isn’t able to express himself. So in a way he feeds off his inability or unwillingness to lash out by putting himself through her tantrums.
The second reason is that the angry tone is a reflection of the guy himself. Those couples that feed off of each other’s anger and hatred fall in this category, where each partner reflects the other’s anger back at him/her and hence connects in some weird way.

The Hot Sex


As surprising as it is, crazy sex happens to be the best of its kind. And unfortunately for you, if crazy is the way you like it, you’re going to be looking at a long standing affair with women who are comfortable enough with their sexuality to go that extra inch.
It’s not to say that only crazy women are good in the sack, but there’s definitely a higher likelihood of a correlation. Another reason for this is that crazies’ tend to control men in their lives by using their sexuality, so in a way the relationship might not head anywhere good.

Gold Diggers


The crazy trait passes very well with obnoxious, high maintenance women who think no end of themselves. The crazy is fairly strong with these ones.
The attraction is really simple, she’s a trophy and you wish you’ll run into your exes from high school when your with her. This trait is a fairly shallow one and if you can’t talk yourself out of this trait there isn’t much hope for you.

The Mess


She’s probably broke, homeless and sleeping on your couch, if you still think she’s ready to be saved, you my friend are in a jam. Saving the damsel in distress is partially hardwired to a male brain, but no one said anything about saving the crazy princess talking to her dolls through psychic mediums.
If you like playing the hero, there’s quite a few explanations and some of them might even be chivalrous. But the bottom line is that you either are too messed up yourself and find in her the mess that you can clear up since your own issues are too difficult to deal with; or you have major issues from childhood that are on par with the daddy issues that she has.
So the conclusion you draw from this is an important one. Before you go pronounce your girlfriend crazy and jump in the river, think about why you might be in a relationship and whether your reasons are rational. If they are, there’s no shrink on earth who can tell you you’re crazy. 
By Dilshan Senaratne 


  1. Manashi says:

    oh my god! hahaha this guy is classic! keep it coming, this is hilarious!

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