The science behind motivation

Oct 08 2024.

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Imagine waking up each day with a clear purpose, feeling ready to face whatever comes your way. What keeps us going even when things get tough or our goals seem distant? The answer is motivation- a force both invisible and powerful, capable of transforming dreams into realities. Whether it is an artist’s quiet determination or an entrepreneur’s relentless ambition, motivation pushes us to grow, overcome obstacles, and reach for something greater.

Motivation can be classified into two categories; 

  1. Intrinsic Motivation: This is the result of an innate drive to fulfil one's potential. When someone is driven by intrinsic motivation, they participate in a task because it fulfils them or brings them delight on its own. For instance, rather than writing for financial benefit, a writer can work on a novel out of pure passion for storytelling.
  2. Extrinsic Motivation: This is derived from outside sources like awards and recognition. The prospect of a raise, monetary rewards, or social acceptance can motivate people to accomplish something. Extrinsic motivation may work well in the near term, but it may not always maintain long-term interest. 

Theories of Motivation
Numerous psychological theories have been put out to explain human behaviour motivation. These theories were explained using psychological perspectives such as Evolutionary, Biological, Cognitive, Behavioral, Humanistic, Psychoanalytic, and Sociocultural perspectives.

There are two well-known theories:

1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Humanistic): According to Abraham Maslow, human motivation is based on a hierarchy of needs that goes from fundamental physiological needs like food and shelter to safety, social belonging, and self-actualisation. As long as their basic needs are satisfied, people are driven to pursue higher levels of personal development, according to Maslow.

2. Self-Determination Theory (SDT): This theory focuses on the importance of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in motivating people. SDT states that people are more motivated when they have a sense of competence (being able to accomplish goals), relatedness (feeling connected to others), and autonomy (having control over their activities).

Elements That Affect Motivation

A person's motivation can be influenced by several things;

  • Personal objectives- Having specific, meaningful objectives helps people stay focused on their aims and gives them direction.
  • Self-efficacy- Motivation is greatly impacted by confidence in one's capacity for success. High self-efficacy individuals are more inclined to persevere in the face of difficulties
  • Ambience- Positive or stimulating environments can increase motivation, whereas unfavourable ones can decrease it.

Ways to Increase Your Motivation

  • Establish Clear and Doable Objectives- Divide more ambitious goals into more doable, smaller activities to keep your enthusiasm and momentum high.
  • Form Good Habits: Establishing dependable schedules, such as regular study sessions or daily workouts, can support motivation over the long term.
  • Reward Progress- To keep your enthusiasm going, acknowledge your accomplishments, whether they come from internal gratification or external rewards.
  • Find Meaning- Activities that are in line with one's values or hobbies can boost intrinsic motivation and make even the most challenging jobs more pleasurable.

Motivation is a powerful force that drives human behaviour. Greater personal and professional achievements can be attained by comprehending its causes, nurturing it through constructive habits, and promoting both inner and external aspects. Finding a balance between the two motivational styles is ultimately essential to maintaining drive over time.


Kavya Thathsarani

Kavya Thathsarani, a Lyceum International School graduate with a background in Bio-Science, weaves science with storytelling. Her passions for writing, journalism, and psychology fuel her work in medical storytelling and raising awareness.


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