Jun 04 2024.
views 123With strong winds and heavy showers showing up on the weather forecast day and night, the monsoon season has rolled around with all its might and our little island has been forced to push its dwellers to stay home.
However, a rainy day isn’t equal to a boring day. In fact, it’s all the more reason we need to get cosy and creative. Here are a few inexpensive but fulfilling ways you and your family could spend these rainy days in the comfort of your own home.
Family movie night
One of the most surefire ways to cosy up on a rainy day is to grab a bowl of your favourite snack, settle down with some comfy blankets and put on a movie. You could pick a theme and select a few movies for a movie marathon or choose a lengthy series ranging from Harry Potter to Toy Story for the kids to enjoy. As long as you’ve got your snacks to last you, you’re all set for a good time!
Rearrange your room or upcycle household items
Ever looked at your room and wondered if you needed a change in scenery? A rainy day inside is the perfect time to take the chance to move that cupboard to the right or hang up those paintings that have been hidden away in the store room for years. You could also upcycle other furniture around the house by giving it a fresh coat of paint, or create a set of funky coasters out of an old curtain for an economical and creative project.
Get busy in the kitchen
We might be confined to the house due to a raging thunderstorm outside, but we can match with nature and cook up a storm inside too! Crispy onion rings, fluffy pancakes, or chocolate chip cookies are a few simple but delicious treats you can try out this monsoon season. It is also a great opportunity to allow children to assist you in the kitchen as they find wonder in simple tasks like cracking an egg or sneaking in a few chocolate chips.
Perform a science experiment
This is the perfect blend of fun and learning if you want to keep the kids entertained and also satisfy the curious cat in you. You don’t necessarily need any high-end equipment and can make do with materials like strings, jars, ice and even baking powder. The internet holds a wide variety of simple science experiments and with a quick search, you could embark on a journey to an exciting discovery.
Set up camp
A heavy shower can result in a power outage and while we can sulk about our electronics being shut off, a better idea would be to put up a cosy blanket fort in the living room and invite the family to camp “indoors” with flashlights, snacks, toys and comfy pillows. Bring out the old ghost and demon tales for a little spooky fun and you’ve hosted the perfect sleepover.
Picasso Play
Be it an adult or child, creating art has always been an integral part of human nature and what better time to explore your imagination? Whether it’s with crayons, paint or markers, you could spend an entire afternoon forging a painting of a sunset or designing a custom robot. It could very well be considered a fair masterpiece worthy of a frame and would grant anyone a sense of achievement.
From fantasy to sci-fi
Cosying up in a warm chair with a good book and a hot cup of tea in front of a window with a rainy view may just sound like a bookworm’s far-fetched dream, but it is definitely possible to live out this homely but delightful fantasy. Accessing books has never been easier than it is today with digital libraries at our fingertips, where you’re allowed to surf through a wide array of genres and read at your own pace by downloading PDFs. Maybe it’s time to take this hobby off the backburner and give it another chance!
Host an indoor treasure hunt
For something more engaging that keeps the kids and yourself active indoors, putting together a treasure hunt is a great idea. You could hide everyday objects, toys or even their favourite snacks around the house, along with a few clues. Provide the children with a map and a few guidelines to nudge them in the right direction and let the games begin.
Organise a family talent show
If you’ve ever wondered when you’d get the chance to show off a cool magic trick or a song you’ve been working on for weeks, then this is your sign to make use of your very own audience right at home. With everyone gathered, ask them to bring forward a skill or talent of theirs as well, so you all get to enjoy a show and motivate one another. This is a great way to promote confidence and experience, as well as have a good time with good company.
Paper boat fun
If you’re still looking for a way to enjoy the outdoors even on a rainy day, making humble little paper boats and watching them bob up and down in a line of streaming rainwater may jog your memory and entertain your inner child, as well as provide great fun to enjoy with children themselves! A necessary reminder would be to make sure to wear appropriate clothing and study your surroundings before heading outside. Good fun goes hand in hand with a touch of safety.