Top baby names for 2012

Apr 17 2012.

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Looking to have a baby anytime soon ? Here’s a prediction of names that could become hot due to their recent exposure.
• ‘Adele’ – The one-named singing wonder now known around-the-globe
The one-name wonder (whose full name is Adele Laurie Blue Adkins) is known around the globe for her soulful, chart-topping hits. Her classic European name, which means "noble," is sure to climb baby name lists in 2012.
• ‘Daisy’ – The object of “The Great Gatsby’s” affection in a new movie opening in December 
Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby
The suspense is already building for F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic, The Great Gatsby, to come to life on the big screen — starring Leonardo DiCaprio — later in 2012. Daisy, the object of main character Jay Gatsby's affection, is an epic literary name. Flower-inspired names, such as Violet Affleck, are always a sweet choice. 
• ‘Kanani’ – Hawaiian-inspired doll (American Girl Dolls) whose name means ‘beautiful one’ 
American Girl Dolls are on fire — particularly their "Doll of the Year" (sold exclusively for a one-year period). The 2011 "it girl" was Kanani, an adorable Hawaiian-inspired doll whose name means "the beautiful one." The Kanani doll sold out in a flash, but her exotic name will likely have lasting appeal. 
• ‘Kris’ – Kris Humphries’ unique name-spelling will long outlast his marriage to Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian's ex, Kris Humphries, will probably be a tabloid mainstay for a while as the dust settles following their failed 72-day marriage. Whether you're a fan or a foe of the NBA player, you must admit his name — which is not short for something like Kristofer or Kristopher — is an interesting spin on the classic spelling, Chris. 
• ‘Mac’ – Could catch on among computer nerds as a tribute to the late Steve Jobs
Apple fans the world over mourned the loss of Steve Jobs in October 2011. What better tribute than to name a baby Mac — after Steve's 1984 brainchild? Don't be surprised to see the name rise among computer nerds.
• ‘Marilyn’ – Monroe’s 50th death anniversary (August 5th) will make her name popular again
The movie My Week with Marilyn, starring Michelle Williams, put blonde bombshell Marilyn Monroe back in the spotlight in 2011. The film will likely be a standout for the Oscars and other awards shows in 2012, so Marilyn will be on everyone's mind. 
• ‘Oskar’ – A unique name and spelling from the buzz-film “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close”
Thomas Horn as Oskar Schell in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Another film everyone has been buzzing about is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, based on a moving novel by the same name, and starring Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock. The main character, Oskar, is a 10-year-old boy whose father died in the 9/11 attacks. He goes on an adventure around New York City to find a lock-box to which his dad left him the key. Oskar is a character — and a name — no one will soon forget. 
• ‘Pippa’ – Thanks to the Brit royal, Pippa (short for Philippa) is sure to soar far beyond Britain
The (gasp!) white-clad bridesmaid and her eye-catching "bum" nearly stole the show from her sister, Kate Middleton, during the Royal Wedding last April. Pippa, short for Philippa, will surely be showing up on birth certificates far beyond Britain. The Greek name means "lover of horses." 
(Compiled by Keshiya Leitch) 


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