Toddler Tantrums

Dec 16 2014.

views 744

I fought the law and I won!!!

Sometimes on the days where you are banished to your playpen, diaper soaking, having to eat mushy food and people not taking you on trips that involves whale watching because you’re too small and you might fall overboard..whatever feel it sucks being a baby!!! Yes, I know who doesn’t like babies, the cuddles, the kisses and loads of toys. But I feel mellow since the whole families gone off on some exciting adventure and I’m staying home due to “maturity” issues. Doesn’t matter though I was just thinking there is stuff I can do that really if any adult does it they would simply get arrested!! Wait the more I think I didn’t realize how special I was. Okay here’s the deadly list, all adults beware:

1. As toddlers I can have a screaming, hair pulling, people biting meltdown in public and no one has me committed infact they give me sweets! HA!

2. I can take my clothes off anytime anywhere and no one bats an eyelid. Such freedom is not transferable.

3. Can decide to hit pesky babies and no one decides to call law enforcement, toddlers can assault and then some.

4. Hey if I can’t find the toilet, peeing on the spot is acceptable..yeah just let it out.

5. Can decide to spend a whole day screaming for everything rather than asking  rationally. Yes people still love me at the end of the day, in fact I get extra cuddles because Mum think’s I’m acting up because I’m lonely. If Just Dad does that, he gets the couch!

6. Am able to wear my pajamas the whole day and still get called adorable.

Yeah, I could go on, but the list is endless. I think I won’t be so down in the dumps about being left behind, the other perks of being a toddler are too good to pass over!!

Wacky toddler behaviour - Nudity

Toddlers go through many phases with nudity being one. They tend to disrobe for the following reasons, discomfort, attention, confision because they are still too young to know what to do in public or not and new skills.  As the parent you have to teach them that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable. Buy them clothes that are comfortable, or ones that they can’t easily take off. For example zips at the back etc. You can also get them to choose their own clothes so they are happy with what they are wearing.

Toddler Tantrums

A temper tantrum is the emotional equivalent of a summer storm – sudden and sometimes fierce. One minute you and your child are in a restaurant enjoying your dinner, the next minute she's whimpering, whining, and then screaming at the top of her lungs because her straw is bent. Children between the ages of 1 and 3 are especially prone to tantrums. Though you may worry that you're raising a tyrant, take heart – at this age, it's unlikely that your child is throwing a fit to be manipulative. More likely, she's having a meltdown in response to frustration.

By Mayuri Jayasinghe


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