Teach your child to be lazy….

Aug 20 2013.

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As a child I remember looking forward to summer holidays with lighthearted happiness. The last school bell of the term which heralded ‘whoops’ and ‘screams’ of joy from my fellow students was the most eagerly awaited sound of the school year. Summer meant no homework, no heavy bags laden with books, no more French verbs, no early morning revision stints. I could curl my toes in the deep long grass in the garden, get lost in a famous five all the while sipping on a refreshingly cool drink, time stood still in the summertime. 

Studies have shown that just as adults need a break from a busy week, children also require some downtime from activities and busy schedules.  Sometimes our views on their boundless energy misconstrue the reality that they are also individuals, who get tired and burnt out. But you say most of their time is spent in endless hours of play so why require more of it?.

If you looked at a typical day of an average child it tends to be mentally exhausting. They start with school, then classes, activities and finally some homework. We are constantly telling our children to do something and as children their minds are forever on ‘lets learn’ mode. But of course, school is a necessity and so are all their busy activities. Therefore summer offers the perfect platform for your child to relax and rejuvenate and be ready for the next busy year.

Here are some ways to help your child to indulge in the laziness of summer:

Do away with wake up times. Typically children need 10 to 12 hours of sleep but a few get them with the busy school days. Leave them alone to lie in a little longer and allow that natural process where they bodies awaken rather than be shocked to action by an alarm clock.

Winding down and relaxing does not essentially mean sitting in front of the T.V the whole day. This sudden intrusion of sights and sounds only troubles the mind further. There are other more interesting activities that can help relax your child. Take a walk by the sea, go fly a kite on Galle Face or take a bike ride on independence square. Filed with fun and laughter these simple activities does wonders to the soul.

Holidays do not have to be complicated foreign affairs. As child I loved weekend retreats to the beach where the days were spent running along the sand and indulging in some mouthwatering barbecue with friends. Keep your holidays simple and remember the whole purpose of going on a holiday is to relax rather than an exercise in keeping up with the Joneses.

Introduce your children to new skills for example learning new crafts, paint a mug, work with clay unscheduled drawing and painting time. These activities, where there are no tests at the end of it, are therapeutic ways to help you child learn new skills.


Good times are always had with good friends, these go hand in hand. Whenever possible have play dates, go out for picnics or watch a movie together. Children thrive in the company of their friends and these all help your child relax and rejuvenate.Summertime filled with school holidays are magical periods in a child’s life. As they grow these precious memories become part and parcel of them, they create the child.

Do away with busy schedules and revision time, let your child, live, learn, play and be happy. At the end of a summer filled with more studying you won’t have a rejuvenated child ready to face the busy school year but instead one who is already fed up with academics. By giving them the freedom of the summer you are infact doing them a favour, allow them to be lazy, allow them to lounge, allow them to become better versions of themselves. Have a great summer.




By Mayuri Jayasinghe  


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