Spice things up

Mar 07 2013.

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Sex has come a long way from being considered a taboo, then a badly kept secret and now to being the best selling factor in the world. While sex remains everyone’s favourite dirty secret it’s well known that some of us are having a better time between the sheets than others.
The reasons while being numerous also tend to be complicated. The major reasons for sexual dissatisfaction tend to come in the form of inadequacy and lack of variety; while inadequacy might be difficult to deal with variety is not so difficult a task.
No I’m not talking about variety in the sense of multiple partners although I must admit that is an effective method of overcoming the problem (oh no he didn’t). Instead let’s look at a few creative ways to spice things up in the bedroom.
Bring out the blindfolds
Yeah you heard me! Bring out those blindfolds and let’s try a little foreplay. We tend to be heavily dependent on our sense of vision as we all know, so much so that the occipital cortex of our brain is specifically set aside for vision.
The best way to understand how important our sight is to us is by walking into a dark room, the fear of the dark for instance is a manifestation of our inability to cope with prolonged compromise of our visual sense. Now imagine sex blindfolded, at the loss of vision, our brains adjust to focus more on other senses which in turn crank up their alert levels, the result is intense sensation through other senses such as touch. We all know what that means don’t we?
Simon says
After a few years in a relationship we grow so accustomed to each other to the extent that sex becomes a routine, a well known ritual aimed at reaching the destination, the big O. The problem is sex has a lot more to do with the journey than the destination and over time we tend to lose sight of how important the journey of getting to the orgasm is.
This is why sex with a stranger is always that much more intense than the well known comfort of our long term partners, after all familiarity breeds contempt. Well why not give him/her instructions on what you want done to you, not only does this allow for your fantasies to come true it also helps your partner understand your kinks. 
This is an obvious given, especially considering that Hollywood tells us how 90% of foot rubs result in sex. The reasoning is simple enough, massaging allows for a higher release of happy chemicals and relaxes the muscles while prolonging the anticipation for sex thus resulting in significantly better sex.
Dress up
I know some people, heck most people are reluctant to dress up as naughty school girls and the like but why not try it out once in a while. Whether or not you engage in role play dressing up to suit your kinks will add a much needed twist to your bedroom. Fancy a fireman anyone? Magic Mike anyone?
Play the love game
Why not play some strip poker, just for kicks. While strip poker is an excellent way to get each other out of bothersome clothes it’s also a good way to build anticipation and dictate power. The winner for example gets to decide what positions and acts to employ in the session.
Location, location, position
Always pick out a new place and a new position. Change of scene can vary from a hotel room to the kitchen and positions can also vary from yab-yum to lotus, what matters is that the selected position and location leads the two of you well out of your comfort zones.
Try a toy
While toys aren’t exactly the rage around this part of the world, a little online shopping can always get you where you want to go, so look around and read up a little, you just might find yourself in the middle of your own chapter from 50 shades of Grey. 
By Dilshan Senaratne 


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