My Glory Days

Nov 04 2014.

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It’s happened, the growing up process has begun and boy is it happening fast to me. I mean it seems like yesterday I remember just getting over this momentous event in my life called birth, where mummy dearest shouted a bit and “Just Dad” shouted even more and even ended up fainting a couple of times, but he did manage to get his act together to cut the so called umbilical chord and whoopeee there you go, we were a family. The next few months, though it seems like years to me was just a blur of drinking copious amounts of milk and playing games with Mum’s sleep schedules, where I would literally be wide awake at night and asleep like a hibernating bear during the day. Tried to do that for eternity but only survived a month of reckless behavior, and before I knew it I was on schedule, eating, sleeping and playing at certain intervals. Once I got over the milk phase and Mum started introducing solid foods, things started to take a nose dive, I mean there is so much pureed food in various colours I can eat!!!..

Mum tried to fight me on that ground, I mean she had good intentions, she wanted a sweet chubby baby thus the reasoning behind feeding copious amounts of colored food which resembled glue, but I had other plans. I wanted a chiseled body, no Michelin type baby tummy for me. Then I had all this drama about learning to walk and talk. Walking was mighty difficult if you ask me, I mean I used to watch Mum and Dad and seeing them, just simply walk one foot in front of the other amazed me to bits. But hey I’m a good sport, I gave it a try, I fell a lot, did several tumble falls, side was crazy time. But I perserved and a determined me got my act together and before I knew it I was cruising down the road with Mum always on the patrol. They suddenly as I got older I started to rebel my pious ways and the sleep schedule went for a six and thus began the night time activities, Mum wanted to do something called sleep when my motto in life was nighttime was party time. Yeah it was tough breaking Mum in, she would try anything, warm baths at night, warm huge milky bottles, teddy to keep me company, lovely soothers..the woman was obsessed with getting a good night sleep.

But I said nothing doing Mummy dearest. The minute the sun goes down it’s party time!! WOO HAAA..yeah it sure had been a trip, growing up..though I’ve still got lots more to do.. boy I just can’t wait!!!!

How to introduce babies into a routine?

Getting into a regular routine for sleep, feeding, and activities can make life easier for you and your baby. But where do you start? Once you have a consistent bedtime worked out, it will be easier to establish a daytime routine for your baby. And the easiest way to establish a regular bedtime is to start a predictable bedtime routine that you and your baby can depend on night after night.

You can't force it in the first few months, but you can start practising at about two months. Keep it simple: a warm bath, pyjamas or sleepsuit on, a breastfeed or bottle, then lights-out. It doesn't matter if feeding lulls your baby to sleep in the early months. But by three or four months you may want to try putting him down awake so that he'll learn to fall asleep on his own. Websites, books, your health visitor, and other parents can all help as you work out the best routine for your baby. But let your baby be your guide, too. He'll tell you what he needs, if you learn to read his cues.

Learning about your baby's patterns can help you anticipate his needs. Eventually, you'll be able to spot the signs that your baby is getting sleepy. You can then put him to bed before he becomes over-tired and fussy. Learning what your baby needs takes time and patience. But you'll see patterns emerge. And if you make a note of your baby's naps, feeds, and playtime, you can use this record to help you to create a routine.

What to expect of toddlers?

Your child is advancing from infancy toward and into the preschool years. During this time, his physical growth and motor development will slow, but you can expect to see some tremendous intellectual, social, and emotional changes.

Toddler Growth & Development

Physical Skills

·    Walks alone
·    Pulls toys behind when walking
·    Begins to run
·    Stands on tiptoe
·    Kicks a ball

Social Skills

·    Imitates behavior of others
·    Aware of herself as separate from others
·    Enthusiastic about company of other children

Cognitive Behaviour

·    Finds objects even when hidden 2 or 3 levels deep
·    Sorts by shape and color
·    Plays make-believe

By Mayuri Jayasinghe


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