Mommy HULK! - Dealing with difficult people – aged 3 to 15.

Apr 30 2012.

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There are definitely days that ‘mommy hulk’ makes an appearance and just to be heard, I can hit notes louder than the singer Mariah Carey, but not sound so good. It might be their back talk, constant complaining or eye rolling but whatever the behavior as parents we are prone to lose our temper with our children.

Apparently losing your temper is not always the best solution, it might be effective temporarily but it does not solve the problem in the long run. So therefore rather than mentally exhaust ourselves and add on an extra few wrinkles, lets tackle this ongoing problem in a peaceful manner.

How to stay sane and in charge

Take a break, have a kitkat – It might be one of those days where your life just takes control, you are running from event to event. Stop for a few minutes and get a perspective. If possible ask someone else to watch your children and get a few minutes away from them, you are sure to come back refreshed and recharged.

Listen to yourself – We are all guilty of this, when we get angry we just rattle out the first thoughts that come to our head .My favorite chant is ‘Its boarding school for you!’, absurd, yes I agree but I speak in rage. Be aware of what you are saying. Reanalyze whether you want your children to learn from such behavior.  

Be aware of the triggers – There are certain patterns of behavior that your children display that will definitely trigger you off. Beware and be ready with a plan.

Cool as a cucumber – If you do lose your temper, try your hardest to keep it in check. Count to ten if you have to but remember to maintain your patience.

Let’s get physical – Exercise is a great stress reliever. Make some time during your day to engage in some exercise. Not only will you feel better, but you will find that you have loads of energy to deal with rambunctious kids.

Be sorry – If you do lose your temper and you feel like you should say sorry then go ahead. It always feels good when people have said sorry and the air is cleared.



Factors that cause anger

As parents we run busy lives, a combination of an unruly child as well as other physical stressors can easily push our buttons and cause us to blow a fuse.

Lack of sleep- This is a condition that all mothers face. I personally have not got a good night sleep in the last eight years since the birth of my first child. Therefore little sleep causes a tired and irritated parent, you are easily susceptible to irritating kids and instead of seeing the funny side of your daughter putting on your makeup because she just wants to be like you, you loose your temper! Get rest whenever you can, have afternoon naps with the kids, this doesn’t make you out to be a bad mother.

Other stresses such as financial worries or change in the family situation might cause stress. Beware of it and do not take it out on the children.

Falling ill? Usually in our house after everyone has got the cold that has taken its rounds I get it last, but as oldest says ‘Mums don’t get sick’, so I struggle on. When you are physically down it can cause your patience to be low, try and not deal with difficult children at that time.

With the kids at home during the holidays you will probably be faced with lots of ‘anger’ inducing situations, hopefully the above tips will help you come through, cool as a cumber!


(By Mayuri Jayasinghe)


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