Is he a sex god?

May 08 2013.

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First dates are sort of like interviews, the whole processes is just a long winded dance to decide if he’s going to get in your bed and your head somewhere down the line.  Back in the time of knights and princesses they had a waltz to sort things out, a whiff of their breath and possibly underarms drove the point across I suppose, how times have changed. It’s not so simple anymore is it? With all the deception we’ve trained ourselves to indulge in through the courses of our lives, it’s hard to tell whether a guy swings the right way anymore. 
Women are gifted with high levels of perceptivity, a gift and a curse really since it helps to see through all the bull going on around us but it sure comes in handy when having to decide if you’re on a date with a serial killer, even though nothing much goes on consciously, a lot of sub conscious processes help to keep you off of Hannibal’s dinner table, eventually these processes translate themselves to mean turn on or turn off. 
When nature decided to put a list of traits as being attractive and the others to be Justin Beiber, it made a major error in not considering whether or not he’ll be good in bed (go figure). To make a long story short nature’s pick of prince charming might be a dud in bed and it’s your responsibility to analyze your potential bed-mate’s sexual prowess.



Get Vocal
Ever heard the expression “an animated character”? Rings a bell right? Well if you’re anything like me, the phrase loosely translates to the kids who were too expressive for anyone’s comfort and no one wanted to be insensitive about it, well turns out the kid grew up to be pretty good in bed.
Research shows that men who use their hands and other non verbal gestures to communicate are more likely to be comfortable being expressive in bed and most likely to be very enthusiastic too. On the flip side the cold stone expressionless men who keep their hands in their pockets are likely to be just as uninspiring in bed. Take our pick I say. 
Hot Seat
Where did he sit? As trivial as his choice of seat may seem, unless there’s something very obvious stopping him from choosing a different seat, a guy who sits himself facing you and nothing else as opposed to the more preferred open view of the place, the guy is bound to have his eyes set on you in the bedroom. A man who focuses on you intently is most likely to be an intense lover who isn’t all take and no give. 
Main Meal
Everyone likes it spicy in the bedroom, as observed by the huge popularity of 50 shades, so it only makes sense to think that a guy who orders vanilla ice cream will probably engage in the proverbial vanilla kind of sex. Make note of what he orders, if it’s something exotic that can’t quite be pronounced you’re probably on to something exciting tonight.
Quantity Is Quality
A healthy appetite might reflect in a healthy libido according to research. Although a guy who watches what he eats probably will have a six pack of abs, a man with a few pounds to go will have a healthier appetite for you. 
His general tendency to get physical is a great merit and is becoming of a passionate lover, watch out for signs that he is touchy feely as the saying goes but not in a perverted way. Men who use their hands frequently to break the touch barrier will generally prove to be comfortable communicating their affection.
By Maurene Gooneratne


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