Apr 22 2014.
views 851Thumb suckers are a notoriously difficult group of people. Thumbs in mouth, sucking loudly, their constant behaviour leaves many a parent in a state of utter vexation. We worry for their welfare, any facial deformities to mouth and said thumb. Thumb sucking might be cute and all wonderful as newborns, but when the behaviour continues onto to toddler and then childhood years, then it is a serious issue for parents to address. My children have not been thumb suckers but they have all been attached to soothers or pacifiers, with the youngest still quite attached.Despite the frown from the elders, especially in Sri lanka I have willing introduced the soother to the inconsolable newborn and it has been a love affair from the start. My baby was content and I was happy.
Of course whether it is thumb sucking or using a soother or being attached to their favourite blanket these are all characteristics that if not slowly weaned off, children could develop into a troublesome habit. Do you have those moments when you try to stop the sucking of the thumb or decide not to bring out the soother and your sweet little darling turns into something from the exorcist? Not to worry, we’ve all had these moments, but just because this parenting issue is difficult that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with your child. Sometimes though thumb sucking or the use of a pacifier is normal behaviour just before bedtime, where child is seeking some comfort. If the sucking doesn’t continue on during the day, then nature will take its course and as your child grows then they will eventually stop the habit. Rather than make a fuzz, it is best to let it run its course. Though if the constant behaviour persists through out the day and the following concerns are raised then some action must be taken:
1. Constant sucking throughout the day can have damage to the child’s teeth and mouth.
2. If the baby is having trouble speaking, playing or interacting because their hands are constantly busy.
3. If your dentist shows concern about your child’s oral development.
Parenting is not a walk in the park and in fact it is an obstacle course, here are some ways to deal with your thumb sucker:
1. This is not a battle to be fought by yourself. Enlist the help of teachers, friends, or relatives. Encourage them to constantly be talking about how thumb sucking is bad for you or they are too big for the pacifier etc.
2. Also remember that reinforcing positive behaviour and praising them for showing an effort to not suck their thumb will be more beneficial than shaming or ridiculing them to stop it.
3. Start the weaning in short bursts, reward then if say they didn’t suck their thumb or need the pacifier for an half hour car journey or while they watch T.V for an hour. In this way you are starting the journey to be rid of the annoying habit, it might be a small start but at least it is a start.
4. Try and keep your toddler busy and not start to focus on their mouths. Give them a drink, sings songs, play with some clay, in this way you are keeping their hands busy.
These are just some suggestions to get you started on this difficult task at hand. It won’t be easy and it all might be a big crying and screaming mess. You could just leave them to resolve the problem on their own time. If you choose to be proactive then also be courageous and don’t let one bad day get you down. You will soon have those thumb suckers banished for good!
By Mayuri Jayasinghe