Don’t let yourself go ‘BELLY-UP’!

Jul 05 2012.

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One of the perks of being pregnant is the ability to eat anything at anytime. Everyone is sensitive to a pregnant women’s culinary desires and noone even dares to suggest that you might be putting on a little. But letting your life resemble an all you can eat Vegas buffet is not an idealistic situation.

Please regard the phrase ‘you are eating for two’ with a grain of salt because the excessive weight gain causes havoc to your body and you can be left with serious life threatening diseases such as obesity, pregnancy induced diabetes and high blood pressure.

Studies have shown that women who are in the ‘normal’ weight category have been encouraged to gain 25 to 35lbs during their pregnancy, but women who are already in the area of obesity have been encouraged to maintain their existing weight.

Being obese during pregnancy causes a set of serious health conditions; you can suffer a miscarriage, high blood pressure, diabetes and even still births. These are serious problems indeed. Infact doctors are involved in programs to help obese mothers drop the weight post delivery.

Babies are tough resilient creatures and they are encased safely protected in your womb. Don’t feel that if you are not eating loads your baby is going without, infact the baby will take what it wants, which is not a lot, and the rest is for the well being of your body. Health experts do not advocate dieting during pregnancy, but to instead adhere to a more nutritious diet rather than one which involves calorific foods such as sweets, fried foods etc.

By eating nuitriously you are providing your fetus with a rich supply of healthy vitamins and minerals and you will find yourself having more energy and feeling much healthier after a calorie conscious meal of lean protein and vegetables rather than if you were to suffer the highs and lows of sugar induced meals.

Also after pregnancy, the battle is on to regain a semblance of your post pregnancy body. Shifting that weight is easier said than done and not being able to do so will cause you to suffer from depression which most likely lead to further comfort eating. It’s a vicious cycle.

So before you break into that box of Ferroro Rocher and gorge on it entirely, don’t deprive yourself, take one, respect your body, respect your self esteem, rein in your will-power and say.I can do it! Happy Pregnancy mums-to –be, see you on the other side, happy baby and all!

By Mayuri Jayasinghe



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