Conversation Skills

Apr 18 2013.

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Out of the many factors that influence a woman’s attraction towards you, the easiest to manipulate is conversation. Fortunately conversation also has the most leverage when it comes to charming a woman out on a date, into bed or back for a second date. Humans depend on conversations to a very large extent and it’s only natural that a good conversationalist is seen as a superior by women.
Conversations are easy enough to handle when it’s someone you’ve known forever, that’s why most of us don’t have any issues conversing with our family members and close friends, but making small talk with a relative stranger is a whole new ball game. Call it mystery if you will, chances are the woman you’re talking to already knows whats on your mind but coming out and revealing your intentions might be for another day. Here are a few sure fire conversation skills to reach for when in a fix.
How that started
One of the best ways to keep a conversation alive while also ensuring that you come across as a genuinely interesting guy is to shift the focus of the conversation away from yourself and more onto her. The reasoning behind this tactic is pretty comprehensive.

On one end it’s important to maintain a level of mystery and suspicion so that she is tempted to dig deeper and engage herself with you, on another end; people love to talk about themselves, it’s a natural thing, so by allowing her to speak her mind you’re actually making her feel better and more at ease with you.
Next tip is actually a bit of a contradiction from the first. The tip is to actually shift the conversation towards you but there’s a subtle difference in how people usually talk about themselves and the way they should. The trick is to focus on aspirations and dreams, dreams that she can imagine sharing with you.
The reasoning is quite simple, talking about what you have done and what you have achieved carries the risk of making it seem like you’re a pompous self absorbed narcissist, but if the focus of the conversation was about what you want to achieve in the future or where you see yourself being, it’s more attractive since it isn’t really you blowing your own trumpet but instead is the possibility of what might happen in the future. 
This is a trick straight out of human history, if there was one thing people were always good at, it’s telling a good story. From mythology to legends humans have maintained a certain flare for the art of relating tales, so why not draw from that?
Simply communicate anything you want to communicate in the perspective of a friend or even better stock up on a few amusing stories about your friends and relate them when needed.
Comedy sells
This tip can’t be more obvious, in reality anyone who makes a woman laugh can make her do anything. Just work on your sense of humor, read a few jokes and watch a little stand up comedy and soon you’ll be on your way to making her laugh hysterically.
Compare notes
This is a simple technique that is primary to bond building. When something she feels is important is brought into the conversation, try to relate that in terms of your own life and something that has happened to you.
The added benefit apart from allowing you to further your conversation is that it builds rapport by showing that you might understand her better than anyone else given your personal experience.




By Dilshan Senaratne


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