Breast is BEST

Jan 22 2013.

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With the return of the kids back to school means, along comes ‘the back to school’ colds that spreads like wildfire throughout the household leaving no one standing in their aftermath. Since everyone was sniffling and coughing I was petrified that my two month would also be a casualty.
Even though it was just a mere cold, a baby getting a cold at that age is disastrous, they are unable to feed with their blocked noses, the effects of medicine at that age is questionable and the general inability to soothe them proves to be a tedious situation for all involved.
But fortunately since I was breast feeding the baby escaped unscathed much to my relief, call it superman’s krypnoite, being breast fed provided the baby with the much need immunity she needed.
Usually in the Asian region we are quite positive about breast feeding we understand the benefits and plod on. For those who feel a bit skeptical and feel that store bought formula would do the trick, then keep reading and educate yourselves on how beneficial breastfeeding is to both mother and child.
What’s in it?
According to the experts, the first bouts of breast milk (colostrum) produced by new mothers contains a substance called secretory immunoglobulin A .
This is present in large quantities in the colostrum and it helps to form a protective layer on the  mucous membranes in your baby’s intestines, nose and throat thus fighting off outside germs and keeping baby safe from disease. 
Apparently a mother’s breast milk is tailored for her baby specifically  in the fact that it takes in to account the virus’ and bacteria that the mother is exposed to and creates the necessary specific immunoglobulin A to fight them.
Benefits to mother and baby
Breast feeding your baby is a good way of loosing any baby weight gained because of the extra calories burnt during breastfeeding. Apparently women who have breast fed their children have a reduced risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis.
Breast fed babies have a much better start in life than formula fed babies, all thanks to be nature’s elixir for good health, breast milk. Breast fed babies also have a lower risk of developing childhood cancers.
Other ailments such as stomach virus, low respiratory illnesses, ear infections and meningitis are also low risk and if they do occur are not as severe. Breast fed babies suffer from less allergies compared to formula fed babies who are fed on cow’s milk or soy products.
It has even been proven that breast fed babies tend to be more intelligent than formula fed ones and also suffer from less obesity related issues.
Therefore the research out there is overwhelming. As every parent we want to do what’s best for our child and if breast feeding offers your baby the best start in life, then we should make an effort to do what’s right for breast is definitely the best.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


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