Is it too late now to say sorry, cause Santa I'm missing your Christmas pressies, So I'm in a spot of trouble unfortunately. According to the pigtail girl with the runny nose, who is visiting with her parents, there's apparently things you have to do to get presents, like be good. Just great, that's life for you, everything comes with a Clause, even Santa Clause.
In my wholesome year of being two I'm afraid the dark side was strong in me, I did many things I would say I'm not very proud of . Let's start with these tantrums as Mum like to call them or I refer to as expressions of feelings, why bottle all that in Mum, I'm just being expressive, I think a certain Dr. Seuss said it's good for the human soul or was he just gong on about green eggs and ham. Yes so I really should receive the crown for some royal ones no mistake there, like that Miss Universe thang. I had tantrums in the morning, mid morning, during lunch, after lunch..anyways you get my drift, Mum and Dad looked a bit sketchy at the end of the day I must say.
Also I am under the impression that Mum had way too much sleep before she had me, so this year I sorted it our for her, we just stayed up the whole year..HA!, well not really stayed up, but I would time it so just as Mum was going to bed after doing a million things Mum's do I would wake, hooray, had my nap lets Bailiando Mum, Enrique's not your hero I AM...lets's sing! Yeah she's crying, it's all happiness. I would say pouring coffee on Dad's laptop wasn't my proudest moment this year, I just wanted to create fireworks, Katy Perry said I could be a firework, and to let it all out. That was the excuse I gave to the stone faced parents, Dad looked like he was going to burst an aneurysm.
Well the list goes on I must say, was grumpy and moody just because I could, didn't eat just because I could, didn't sleep just because I could, fought with the Big sister just because I could. Yep I was a real delinquent, but now I want my Christmas pressies, and I've got to figure out a way of convincing Santa I was good! My cute smile, cherub cheeks and long lashes ain't going to do the trick. Wait I do have a few more hours before Christmas, might be good as gold during that time, it;s going to kill me, but for the Candy Cane it's worth a shot. All failing I saw what Santa did last year, all that kissing with Mummy under the Christmas tree, he thought I was fast asleep, yep hand over the pressies Santa, otherwise I just might spill he beans to Daddy dearest. Merry Christmas to one and all!
An year is along time for any growing child, these are some of the differences each year.
Characteristics of a two year old
Your toddler turning two is a big milestone. He may now be happy to share his play space with a friend or sibling.At two, your toddler can organise categories and arrange things in order. In fact, it may be important to him that things are done "right" and he will be happy to devote time to sorting. Your toddler may be able to have a two or three-sentence conversation with you. His sense of himself as a separate person is growing, so he'll talk about himself. He'll tell you what he's doing, what he likes and what he doesn't like.Your toddler asks "why" for a lot of reasons. Sometimes he wants an explanation. Sometimes he doesn't know any other words to express his curiosity about something. Sometimes he's just pleased he's asked a question that gets a lengthy answer.
Characteristics of a three year old
3-year-old social skills
* no longer a toddler.
* has become more independent.
* less selfish than 2-year-olds and exhibits less aggressive behaviour.
* more aware of and sensitive to the feelings of others.
* more responsive to other children and able to develop friendships.
* will exhibit a feisty attitude on occasion and resist your requests.
3-year-old motor skills
* losing his baby fat, developing more muscle control and gaining in height.
* is quite agile and can catch a ball with arms extended.
* jumps down from object 18-inches high using two-footed takeoff and landing.
* will be interested in tools such as scissors, paper, fingerpaint and crayons.
3-year-old language skills
* will have mastered the basic rules of language and should have an active vocabulary of 600 or more words with 80 percent intelligibility.
* should be able to say her name.
* answers the question, "How old are you?".
By Mayuri Jayasinghe