Jun 06 2014.
views 985
Facebook has become an addiction to most people all over the world. It is interesting to catch up with your school mates and friends of yesteryear who have settled abroad and gives its users a certain belief that they are easily in touch with people all over the world at no cost.
It is also a source of entertainment to many who enjoy playing games via Facebook, browsing through interesting articles posted by others. It also seems that Facebook is the easiest mode for making or breaking an entrepreneurship. Most food outlets and other service providers have registered themselves on Facebook, which allows for visitors to either praise or complain about them for the world to see.
It is also a great way to brag by posting pictures of what one is up to whilst travelling or having a great party. This application also allows people to pry into other people’s business. It is amazing how many people scrutinise other people’s profile pages and virtually stalk them. It is an ideal way for those who wish to be on the know about others to check on their whereabouts and associates. One can also use it cleverly to set people up.
Many have found love on FB too. Along with all of this you come across characters who seem to take special pleasure sharing their perverse thoughts in the hope of making a friend. Many who are yet scared of their sexual preferences come up with false profiles and try to befriend others; many who are ashamed of their looks post shots of film stars and models instead of their own. It is endless, the goings on in this social
media platform.