Jan 24 2014.
views 1197Recently I have noticed that there are lots of people with a negative attitude which is quite unpleasant and being around them only drags you down.
I am sure all of us go through a down feeling from time to time but permanently carrying it around with you is quite sad. Being around people who give off positive energy is great as they lift your spirit and certainly brings a lot of joy and happiness wherever you are.
This type of person gives out a lot of compassion and support too.
It is quite amazing how the negative person catches on to the fact that positive people almost have a peaceful glow and they make you feel relaxed and safe and want to be around them.
But if you are a moaner and start pouring out all your troubles to them you will zap out all their positive energy and make them depressed with this perpetual moaning.
Trixie who is very sharp and dislikes negative people keeps away from them. She is very quick at spotting negative people and gave me some good tips on how to identify them.
The negative person will always come to attack you about something or another; they will also try to demean you and always try to be in control as they lack self-esteem.
If you feel uneasy, tensed or are feeling attacked by anybody, here again is a negative person. They have such off putting vibes you do not know when to get rid of them and the worst is when you are around them your energy starts to fizzle and you feel ill.
I guess there are lots of people who cannot express themselves, be what they are and are constantly being judgmental about others. They wake up in the mornings with negative thoughts, which makes them feel miserable.
As much as it may be sad to shun them away, it is best in a way as being around them only brings you down and you almost behave like them. Helping and advising a friend is one thing but hanging around with moaners is a definite no.
Reading about positive people I came across the following from "Positive Energy," by Judith Orloff, M.D which, I feel, should be shared:
“I'm a big fan of being proactive in generating positive energy. The First Prescription's formula for success: Do whatever makes your inner light burn brighter. In other words, try to treat yourself and everyone else with love. It's a constant process of tuning in: finding people who support your spirit, trusting your gut-centered decisions to guide you.
Then you won't end up in a relationship that looks right but feels wrong. Or miss the chance to meet a loving man or woman because he or she doesn't fit some preconception.
When you're with trying people, aim for the high road; find common ground, rather than inflame negativity. The care with which you approach life is intuitively evident in your energy field. We can feel each other's love: that's the great attraction. Spread openheartedness around.”