Nicking a Thing or Two

Jan 10 2014.

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In the past we used to occasionally hear people whispering that so and so was a kleptomaniac. A kleptomaniac is a person with an irresistible impulse to steal, stemming from emotional disturbance rather than economic need and may hide, give away, or secretly return the items, but seldom uses them or attempts to profit by their sale.

It is a forgotten word and rarely used these days. We have also heard great stories of the rich and famous from all over the world who are kleptomaniacs. 

In Colombo too we have heard of some sad but hilarious stories in the context of people who suffer from this disorder. 

But supposedly some of them being kleptomaniacs was questionable, while certain kept women who were actually thieving somebody’s spouse were passed off as kleptomaniacs.

Last December I heard some hilarious stories of kleptomaniacs in Colombo.  Somehow the stories do not sound as if these people were suffering from the disorder.

The big dances at five star hotels are great hunting grounds for robberies to take place.

The blame falls upon the hotel staff and the stewards who are working their butts out to please the demanding party revelers whose sole idea is to have a wild evening of getting drunk and having a great time.

It is during the wee hours in the morning that these crafty operators are spotted by the more sober person. What they see is a person in the group nicking from the table.

At a recent dance where the group were dawning one of the crowd’s birthday a lady in the crowd was spotted grabbing two bottles of rum and slipping them into her large handbag and zipping it  up when the cake was bought and the group were singing happy birthday merrily.

Many other women have been spotted slipping their hands into other ladies’ clutches and pilfering stuff such as expensive lipsticks, and cash too.

Rustling men’s wallets which are kept in coat pockets have also been spotted. When the losses are discovered the next day when all are sober the blame goes to the staff of the hotel. I guess that is the obvious place suspicion falls on and there goes the bad mouthing of the staff of that hotel.

The answer I suppose is not to carry any cash but a credit card and no other expensive commodity and be aware of the woman with the fancy designer handbag as she will be nicking all the unopened bottles to replenish her bar stocks at home.

I am sure such things happen at other events and not only at dances.  Wherever it does the working staff get the blame whilst the society nicker gets away with it.


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