May 10 2013.
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The lack of manners of those who use an elevator is amazing.
The general expectation while waiting to board is to stand away from the door opening and only board the car once you are sure that no one is getting off on that floor. If there is someone getting off, then allow them to clear the door before attempting to board.
However, this does not seem to be the case. When exiting at the ground level especially, one would assume that those who are waiting to board the elevator would have the common sense to know that all the passengers will get off. As the doors open those standing outside rush into the elevator as if it is the last train out and, apart from bumping into the exiting passengers, making it almost impossible to get out of. If by any chance those who are attempting to board the elevator are high in spirit the exiting passenger is subjected to some verbal abuse if he accidentally knocks on to those boarding.
Gentlemen should allow ladies to board first to the extent that this is practical and allow them to exit the elevator first unless you are blocking the doors.
Another fact is that some do not bother to check when entering which direction the elevator is travelling. To save yourself from embarrassment, always check the direction of the car before boarding. If you cannot see an indicator lamp, politely ask the riders of the car which direction the car is traveling. Do not stop the doors from closing to do this.
Then there are instances where some enter the elevators when intoxicated. They will happily walk in smoking a cigarette. This not only affects the other passengers but is dangerous as well. However, at this stage no one can correct them as they are ready for fisticuffs. At hospitals some even inconvenience patients by shoving themselves into the elevators that are exclusively for patients and doctors.
When carrying or pushing a large package, you should wait for an empty elevator. If you are invited to board a loaded car, be sure all riders agree to the invitation and that it is not mere polity. If you are unsure, insist that you are willing to wait for the next empty car.
Holding the door for someone that is running toward the car is only appropriate when the car is empty. Closing the door using the door close button should be done only when it is clear that no one is trying to board the elevator or when there are other cars available to go in the same direction. It is improper to close the door on someone that is moving toward the elevator.
Consider your destination floor and stand near the back if you are going to a high floor. If you know you are getting off shortly, stand toward the front. If you choose to stand near the buttons, understand that you may have increased responsibility.
Always allow as much space as possible between you and the passengers. Always stand facing the door. When talking on an elevator be considerate, talk softly and do not assume that everyone in the car cares about what you are saying. Do not make fun of people when they get off the elevator. You never know if other passengers in the car know the person. Singing, humming and whistling are generally discouraged.
Always respect the personal space of the other passengers. In general, it is inappropriate to touch other passengers on purpose. If you should accidentally bump into someone with your baggage or parts of your person, immediately apologize for invading their personal space.
When standing between someone trying to exit and the door, do your best to move out of the way for them. If necessary, exit the elevator, allow them to leave and re-board.
The no care attitude of the many people that one has to rub shoulders with in public places amazes me. Good etiquette seem to be a thing of the past. I guess if one is not trained in good manners when young, one will never learn.
Thanveer says:
May 18, 2013 at 12:00 amHAHHA! This is so funny..