May 21 2015.
views 444Getting to know Teddy and Shelly!
Don't let the innocent puppy dog eyes fool you; Teddy and Shelly can be the most terrorizing duo in town. (Note to all the rabbits reading this!). If you meet them, make sure your slippers are guarded, and prepare yourself to be thrown at by these two fur-balls. All cats out there, better beware!
Pet's details
Name: Teddy and Shelly
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Age: 6 months
Owner: Sachitha Wijeyeratne
What's the significance of the name you've given them?
Well we chose to name the male puppy after our earlier dog Teddy and Shelly’s name was chosen to go with Teddy.
What is a typical day like for them?
Involves a missing slipper, remote or one shoe from a pair.
What are mealtimes and bathtimes like?
3 meals a day with 2 snacks in between (yes they’re a bit spoilt). Bathe them every 3-4 days when the weather permits.
Do they do anything out of the ordinary that fascinates you?
Quite fascinating how they sleep belly up with their legs and tail backed up against a wall.
What annoys them the most?
Teddy – Petting Shelly annoys him, absolutely possessive.
Shelly – Trying to pull things out of her mouth which shouldn’t have been there in the first place (slippers, shoes, remotes etc.).
What is their most favourite fun time activity?
Chasing each other and the cats that occasionally wander into the garden. Needless to say far less sightings of cats after these two came along.
What is the naughtiest thing they have done?
Get into the bunny cage and terrorise the two rabbits.
How did you find them?
Woke up one morning to a knock on my door, and voila my mother and sister were holding two tiny furballs up.
What are they most afraid of?
Sudden loud noises, mostly claps of thunder.
How do they react when you returned home after a long day?
Absolutely nuts! Have to jump on me with their muddy paws and all.
What's makes them the best?
The fact that no matter how my day goes it always gets better if I have them around me.
What was the most unforgettable moment and you shared with them?
First day out, took them to Independence Square and they were quite thrilled. They were quite small back then about 3 months old and couldn’t run more than a few yards without stumbling, seemed so at ease with all the little children who were out there that day.
By Eshani Seneviratne