My Pet & Me Simba

Aug 08 2014.

views 854


My Pet & Me : Simba

This week, we speak to the proud owner of Golden Retriever Simba - Melissa De Silva!

Pet's details -

Name: Simba (1 Year and 3 months)
Breed: Golden Retriever

Owner: Melissa De Silva

·    What was the thinking behind naming your pet?
Simba from The Lion King

·    What is Simba’s daily routine like?
It starts off with him waking me up, waiting till I get ready to go to work and afterwards I am sadly not at home. If you open a bag, or make a noise it's meal-time for him. He hates to be brushed.

·    What is his favourite snack?
Absoluty anything edible J He loves to eat!

·    Does he have a particularly favourite place to sleep and hang out?
The courtyard

·    Have you always been a pet lover?

·    Who was your first pet?

·    What is it like having a pet?
It makes your life complete, worthwhile and happy

·    What is bath time like for Simba? Love it or hate it? Or a mix of both?
 Anytime is a time for a bath. The pond seems to be a pool for him. He loves the rain or anything muddy for that matter.

·    How does Simba react when you head out of the house?
He takes my slippers or shoes off and runs off with it.

·    Could you imagine life without a pet?
No, as they are irreplaceable and mean so very much.

·    What is the most precious moment you share with your pet?
Them standing near the gate waiting for me and how they  gently hop on the bed to have a nap.

Text by Natasha Fernandopulle


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