My Pet & I: Meet Chloe and Zoe

Oct 06 2017.

views 377

Pets have the ability to come into your lives unexpectedly and make everything better. Kaveesha’s dogs were no different.

“My brother and I always wanted a dog”

Kaveesha explained

“but my parents kept refusing because we had asthma and my mother kept saying that looking after two children is enough! Now that we have them, our lives have changed forever.”

Age: One year old

Owner: Shiromi, Oshan, Kaveesha and Jeremy. 

Breed: - Sri Lankan street dog

How did you find your pets? 
On the embark page. My brother was looking for puppies to adopt and they were the first listing. They were only one month old at the time and were at a car park, where it wasn’t safe for them. When my brother told my mother about them, she agreed to let us adopt. When we asked which one she would let us adopt, she said we could take both in because it would be cruel to separate them. 

What’s the story behind the name you've given? For us, Chloe is a typical name given to a dog with yellow fur, and Ayya  named her that. I was told that I could name the other dog and wanted a similar name and we thought of Zoe. 

What are meal times and bath times like?
We feed them thrice a day – a small meal in the morning and then bigger meals for lunch and dinner. They are bathed once a week with hot water and lots of cuddles. 

What’s their favourite thing to do? 
Zoe – She loves pulling socks, dishcloths and any small scrap of material. She takes it and runs around the house with it and then comes back and shows it to us to taunt us! She never damages them though.

Chloe – She loves chasing geckoes, an unfortunate habit because when she catches them in her mouth, I end up having to prise her jaws open to release the poor creature, something I find much easier to do with Zoe’s socks!

What’s the naughtiest thing they have done? 

 There are so many to tell! One would be how they ate the legs of our kitchen dining table set because they were angry that we had left them alone for too long (about two hours). Because we never tie or cage them they are usually well behaved but sometimes they do chew things up!

How do they react when you return home?

 Zoe gets very excited and starts running around while Chloe jumps at us like a kangaroo. She can jump up to our eye level. 

Do your dogs do anything out of the ordinary that fascinates you? 
Chloe – She knows how to jump onto my lap, no matter how I’m sitting and then she settles down and has a nap. 

Zoe- She has a friendly growl which she greets us with which is fascinating. It’s not the same growl she gives people she doesn’t know – it’s softer in tone and more expressive somehow. 

Both- they love looking down from the balcony at the road below. Chloe is a bit of an acrobat so she started the trend, but now even Zoe has learned how to and sometimes they stand like that for about ten minutes!

What’s the best thing about your pets? 
 They love and trust us unconditionally are always loyal. They don’t care about how much we earn or how successful or good looking we are, they will always greet us in the same way and will always love us as we will always love them. 

What was the most unforgettable moment you've shared with them?
 The time they got sterilized, they were in pain and had cones on their necks so my brother carried them to my room and my mother sat with them on the floor of my room until they fell asleep and they woke up after she left and ended up on my bed! That was a really difficult time for us with them because it was hard to see them sick. 




Rihaab Mowlana

Rihaab Mowlana is the Deputy Features Editor of Life Plus and a journalist with a passion for crafting captivating narratives. Her expertise lies in feature writing, where she brings a commitment to authenticity and a keen eye for unique perspectives. Follow Rihaab on Twitter & Instagram: @rihaabmowlana


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