Oct 16 2014.
views 646Pet's details:
Name: Xena (2 ½ years)
Breed: German Shepherd-Terrier Cross
Owner: Ravindu Peiris
Why did you name her Xena?
My sister and I always give a lot of thought to naming a pet. This one was easy because she was separated from her mother when she was very young, but she was still very brave. Plus she was extremely hyperactive and almost like a male when it comes to her behaviour, hence the name Xena.
Take us through her daily routine.
She’s almost always asleep when I leave home for work but when I get back, she’s the first person to greet me and she has a barking/howling/yelping sound when she greets me. There’s no point in brushing her, since her what-a-mess hair will not stay still.
What is her favourite snack?
She doesn’t have a particular favourite snack, but she likes biscuits, papadam and even fruits.
Does Xena have a favourite place to sleep and hang out?
She used to love sleeping underneath the hearth (its an old house) but now anywhere there is a carpet, she will settle down. She’s known to climb on to beds, where she will stay until we find her and chase her out!
Does she like to dress up and take selfies?
Dressing up is a big NO except when it’s extremely cold. She’s deathly afraid of the paparazzi and she will never stay still for a proper selfie.
Have you always been a pet lover, if so how did it all start?
Yes. I love all animals except for insects. My parents always had pets at home which included dogs, cats and even ducks and rabbits, when I was little. So owning a pet was not a big thing.
Who was your first pet?
My first pet was an orphaned cat from the gutter named Kissifur who lived for almost seven years. But growing up I became allergic to cats, so now I have to stick to dogs and one day a pet python!
What is having a pet like?
I guess it all depends on the pet. Xena being one of the happiest animals on the planet, will always lift my spirits up.
Does she love her bath time?
It’s a love and hate thing definitely. Well if I even wear a towel she will start to shiver. Then it’s more or less like dragging a cow for slaughter. Bath time is not so different as she will end up climbing on top of me during the bath most of the time.
How does Xena react when you head out and when you return?
She always notices when I return. She will run around in circles, jump and when she wags her tail, her entire body ends up shaking! She has this unique bark/howl she has reserved for me, “Like where the hell have you been all this time!”
Could you imagine life without her?
Definitely not. I know her lifespan is less than mine. A sad truth we all have to face but you should cherish the moments you have with them and make the most of the time you spend with your pet.
What is the most precious moment Xena and you have shared?
I don’t think I can single out one moment that is more precious than the rest but taking care of her two litters with her was awesome.
By Natasha Fernandopulle