Jul 14 2016.
views 261Meet Izzy, the gorgeous Himalayan breed kitten who'd take your breath away by her exquisite beauty. Although first named Theo, due to a confusion of her gender we now have Izzy - a proud feline!
Pet's Details
Name: Izzy
Breed: Himalayan
Age: 2 months
Owner: Asha Ali
What’s the story behind the name you’ve given?
There were thousands of names running in our minds due to the excitement of having a cat, and then suddenly the name ‘Izzy’ occurred to us and it was a name we could all agree on.
What are meal times and bath times like?
As much as she loves her meal times, she equally hates her bath times. She literally dreads it.
Does it do anything out of the ordinary which fascinates you?
One almost, extra ordinary thing that she does would be how her paws clap together whenever she tries to jump.
What’s her most favourite fun time activity?
She loves chasing her little mice toys while running all over the whole house. She also loves to hide inside shoes as small as she is.
What’s the naughtiest thing she has done?
So far, the naughtiest thing she has done would be trying to eat insects secretly.
How did you find her?
We were longing to have a cat for a long time and there was none available to adopt. That was when we finally decided to actually buy one from a pet store.
How does she react when you return home?
She will come running behind me, and circle my legs, and it’s the sweetest thing ever!
What’s the best thing about her?
The best thing about her would be her paws. They are so small and adorable, and I actually don’t even want her to grow up.
What was the most unforgettable moment you have shared with her?
Just last week she was suffering from diarrhoea. It was so sad to watch her in pain, and whenever we took her to the vet, she would look at us with those big sad eyes and seek out to us, and it made me extremely happy that she seeks for protection through us.
Can you share a cute story about your pet?
Sometimes it gets hard to find her because she’s so small and she sleeps almost anywhere. One day I was looking for her all over the house, only to find her sleeping in a corner near the staircase. Someone could have stepped on her but she's too majestic to care! So now we have to keep something around her in order to show that her has marked her territory.
Has owning this beloved pet made your life richer?
It really has made it richer, and there is now something that I could look forward to seeing every day when I wake up or when I get home after a long day out.
What makes her so lovable?
What makes her so lovable is that she is a baby. Tiny and vulnerable, yet beyond excited to explore her environment.
What kind of funny and mischievous things does she do?
She loves to drink water, drinks gallons of it. However, she also likes to make a mess. She would put in a few of her cat food inside the water and watch it mix in with the water.