Your Opinion

Aug 25 2014.

views 759

When your partner is smarter than you..

Narmada: I'd like my partner to be smarter than me and have a little control over me! I don't like to be the smarter decision making person in a relationship, I'd rather give the chance to the other one and only if I feel I have a better idea I'd let it out. I see smartness and intelligence as impressive.

Omindu: As long as she’s not ‘too smart’ for me, I'm fine being the less smart one.  It will lead to a relationship based more on understanding rather than physical attraction. On the other hand I may have to be extra creative to keep her interested and surprised. I believe intellectual compatibility plays a key role in a successful relationship.

Kaushika: I find it exciting when my partner is smarter than me. It helps out to keep the relationship interesting in a way. It'll never be bored or you'll never feel inferior if you can accept the fact open minded. You'll learn to think more widely than you do now.

Vickmal: In a relationship no one party can be smarter than the other all the time. Based on life experience and the amount of knowledge collected by the individual when it comes down to crunch time sometimes one of us might be in the zone, it is how we compromise on our own self-esteem and listen to each other's ideas that determine how successful the relationship is.

Yasasi: Life is complicating, because he always wants to prove he's Einstein and he's always right, but when he makes mistakes, that is going to be my popcorn moment.

By Hasna Saleem


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