Your Opinion

Jun 16 2014.

views 734

Your Opinion – Men flirt more than women

It was a controversial debate with quite a lot of responses for and against the topic. Here’s what our readers had to say.

Thamaya - I strongly believe men flirt way more than women do even though flirting is a mutual social act that occurs between both genders. Men flirt so much that women are pretty much familiar with all their pick up lines that they use just to capture the heart of a woman I’m sure most women will agree on this for instance ” Is your mum a terrorist because you are the bomb !”.

Nigel – Men don’t actually flirt with women that much…Honestly speaking women flirt more than men do, and men actually talk to women in a chilled out way – as in they casually talk. Women go wild and flirt just cause a guy is either wealthy or big made. Just cause the guys speaks in a sweet way doesn’t mean they flirt.

Yasiru – From what ive seen or rather experienced this statement is not exactly accurate. Sure enough men do flirt but the difference is that when men flirt with women, they do so after getting to know them a bit better and this ofcourse is because we are afraid that we may scare them away. However, on the other hand the women of today’s world seem to be more forward and aren’t afraid to flirt with the men they find attractive and if they are rejected, they will be sure to make up an excuse to let us know that they weren’t in the right mindset at the time!

Oshini – it could be said that women are naturally flirts. From small days they are taught if they act cute and smile they could get anything done. Both parties turn on their sexual charm for practical gains for instance to get better deals in buying and selling etc. Women being more attention seeking would tend to flirt to get more attention from the opposite sex.

Raashid – I believe its 50/50 in most western countries, in our country though – men are likely to flirt more than women only due to the reason that they are told not to converse with strangers. But I see that changing as our society westernizes.

Rashida – its not possible to say which party flirts more. Depends on the individual and their way of thinking. Sometimes men are not actually flirting and are genuine, and women take it as flirting. On the contrary, I don’t fully agree with this statement cause there are equally many girls who do flirt.

Rayhaan – The masses of men aren’t constrained by chains of modesty unlike women so the topic statement is concrete and not subjective. But it all boils down to an individual’s resolution to strive for the person they desire. Perseverance is key.

Riyad – Men don’t actually flirt more than women, because there are women out there who are serial flirts, because for them it’s a challenge more likely to play with themselves as they flirt to see if she got what it takes to make a man interested. But I would say its equal, it’s a common thing in between.

Kirk – My girlfriend says women flirt more than men, I cant help but agree. Women can flirt their way through anything and no matter how smart the guy is, he will fall for her charms.

By Hasna Saleem


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