Your Opinion - Attraction?

Aug 18 2014.

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Your opinion on attraction – physical or emotional?

Sesath - If you're attracted to someone based on physical beauty alone, you're in it for all the wrong reasons. You can't choose to grow old. But you can choose to get ugly. One day you're going to wake up and ask yourself what happened to the undergarment dropper who used to live all over your face. But does that stop making you beautiful? It shouldn't. You're just as beautiful you were, the day you fell in love to the person you fell in love with. Should anything else matter anyway?

Johann - I think it's almost always physical attraction at first but beauty fades with time and at the end of the day a beautiful heart will always trump a pretty face.

Ara - I would say physical attraction is based not just on looks but character and personality too. One's behaviour and body language contributes to the 'attraction' zone of this whole physical attraction concept. As they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, a person's looks can be admired by some and not by others. For some, eloquent speech may be their point of attraction and for others, it's blue eyes. So, in my opinion if one gets attracted to just the face or the body, it's not an in depth choice and yes, the face we are born with will gradually get wrinkled and the body we are bestowed with will always get feeble as years pass but our character and personality is what we have forever.

Aisha - I believe that physical attraction will never last if there is no emotional attraction. The ' butterflies in the stomach' eventually fade away.

Sahan - I think physical attraction definitely reduces with time. People like change and are constantly attracted to different people. It's just human nature.  It's a good thing that there's more that people find attractive in one another.  I guess that's what makes the difference.

Sameera - In my opinion, yes it does. Unless there is a strong emotional connection as well, physical attraction will only last for a certain period of time. A person with good looks and a bad personality will only look good in your eyes for some time whereas a person with average looks and an amazing personality can keep you physically attracted for a longer period of time.

By Hasna Saleem


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