What's he really saying

Jun 15 2012.

views 1357



"Language was invented for one purpose...to woo women,”
-Robin Williams-


History has done a bad job in keeping the secret that is man’s amazing capacity to create masterpieces at the slightest grazing of cupid’s arrow. Literature over the centuries has cherished as its prize showpieces those words that were jotted down in hopes of wooing one’s true love or mistress.

From Romeo to Gatsby all the way through to Casanova, verbal artistry has had a soft spot in appreciating romances; love being the most celebrated of themes through generations across cultures second if at all only to death. Researchers at the Florida state university has uncovered scientific evidence which suggests to the effect that men in fact alter their everyday verbal habits when and if wooing a potential mate.

The phenomenon not only offers an interesting insight to male psychology but also helps in discerning whether or not a man finds a woman sexually attractive through the construction syntaxes he utilizes in conversation.
Previous research has established that men and women find each other’s company more sexually charged towards the nearing of the woman’s ovulation, at which point they sacrifice most conscious motivation for the greater good that is ensured survival of their species.

The study carried out in Florida revealed that men tended to align conversation patterns closely matched to the women they engage with nearer to the woman’s ovulation. It’s been established that greater compatibility of speech and similar conversation patterns are strong indicators of intimate affiliations and that individuals alter their lingual constructs to match that of their romantic interests in order to be more compatible.

Another important factor is creativity, where men tend to display genetic fitness and non conformity by using uncommon words when engaging potential sexual mates. In combination these two factors are strong indicators that the individuals are pursuing a relationship that is beyond platonic in nature.

Lingual cues or word choices in conversation are sub conscious to the larger extent and divulge a large amount of information that reveals his/her personality and identity. Language patterns are good indicators of social classes and groups that the individual feels s/he belongs to. A significant alteration of habitual lingual patterns to match that of the conversant is an almost guaranteed cue that the individual is attempting to form a personal bond.

The fascinating aspect is that men alter their lingual habits in response to sub conscious cues they pick up from the woman indicating that she is closer to ovulation. These indicators include skin colour, voice tone and scent all of which alter when a woman is ovulating. In retrospect men who are disinterested in a woman will stray from constructs that suggest compatibility.

In this regard it’s safe to assume that men are at their lingual best when in proximity to a woman they find sexually arousing. Next time you find yourself in a conversation with fancy words flying over your head there’s a fair chance to assume that the party you are engaging has more than just educational motivations. 





(By Dilshan Seneratne)


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