Wean that Baby right!!

May 07 2013.

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Having brought up three kids through the tumultuous years of diapers, weaning and potty training you would be correct in saying that I should be an old pro with the fourth one. But as reality is, parenting never gets any easier with the more children you have. Of course you might not stress over the same drawbacks as you did with the first, but it still proves to be quite a challenge.
One of the most challenging milestones is the weaning process. Since I had the other three abroad, I weaned them when I was good and ready and with the foods I felt right with. Of course being in Sri Lanka I have a multitude of advisors from the family pediatrician down to the household cook. Everyone has an ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ of what is best for my baby. With the numerous advisors whispering in my ear when I should start the baby on solids to what is best, I was left in a dizzy fit, feeling totally unsure about my mothering skills.
At four months, the unwelcome needling started, put this baby on solids, why isn’t she on solids. Once I geared myself up for the whole weaning process, it was then what should I feed the baby from watery kanji, to Farely rusks to over boiled red rice the list was endless. After several painful weeks of trying to feed my child a glutinous, mushy red rice concoction recommended by a well meaning family member just because it was calorific and good for the baby. I said enough was enough, this is my baby I wean it my way.

How to wean a baby, your way!
  • Before you start weaning your baby, carefully consult your family pediatrician and get an account of the relevant foods that a baby should and shouldn’t have. Also, your doctor will be able to guide you on the consistency of the food that a baby can ingest at various stages. It is best to get as much information as you can especially if this is your first time weaning your baby. Armed with that knowledge you can then make safe decisions that are good for you and your baby.


  • When you start the weaning process make sure you equip yourself with the proper bowls and spoons. Use rubber spoons that will not jar your baby’s mouth. He or she would probably be chewing on it more than eating. Also all the equipment will need to be sterilized before every meal.


  • In careful consult with your pediatrician start with simple foods. Do not bombard your baby with a multitude of foods in the first week. Stick to simple foods and try then out for a few days at a time. Also try and not mix foods together just yet, when you start by giving one fruit or vegetable at a time you can easily detect allergies or general discomfort in the baby. For example beans and other legumes might give them gas and you will end up with a grouchy baby.


  • Make sure you are prepared to give up your time and your general overall appearance for feeding the baby is an utter mess. It is the very fortunate parent whose baby will eat all that is put their way, don’t expect to feed your baby in five minutes and run off to the next mummy task. It takes time and patience. Despite all your efforts, most of the food will be a dribbling mess on the floor or in your face. Do not be disheartened, it will get easier as you understand your baby’s likes and dislikes.


  • A happier you will result in a happy baby. Do not stress about whether child getting the right vitamins etc. If you child is gaining weight and is healthy then everything is fine. Try and not give into every helpul tip offered because some are more nuisance than helpful. 
Mealtimes in my house are usually a colourful affair, but now they are more loud and noisy with the baby joining us at the table. Everyone plays their part in distracting her so that I can get a few mouthfuls safely into her mouth without spillage. As I look around the table, the beautiful faces of my children surround it, the radio is on full blast, there is noise, there is chaos, my husband sits in the midst of it all lost in his paper, I am covered in baby goop, this is my picture perfect life. Happy weaning Mothers.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


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