Feb 04 2013.
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Women tend to be extremely complicated beings and quite often act rather erratic too, nowhere else is the enigma of a woman more obvious than when dating.
The simple reason that women tend to be as complicated as they are in relation to their male counterparts are often due to their multi track mind. To be more elaborate, men tend to find themselves looking for a simple mix of things in a woman they consider a potential mate. The basic cocktail of ideal traits for a man would include a very straightforward, simple list like smart, beautiful, friendly, polite and occasionally the lure of a successful career.
Women on the other hand will look for a lot more in a man from the colour of his eyes, to the kind of work he does, how he gets along with her friends, his openness to new experiences etc etc and etc.
To further the already complicated situation there’s another fundamental difference between men and women; men gauge the likeability of their counterparts from what they see on the surface while women tend to dig deep into a man’s soul through conversation and like any woman can tell you, communication isn’t a man’s forte on many occasions. Whether or not a man likes conversation he would do well to perfect the art at least for the sake of being successful when dating.
Pitch perfect
The pitch of a man’s voice says a lot about his Testosterone level, which evolutionary translates as the more suitable males. The Testosterone induced properties of the larynx cause lower voice pitches in men and are perceived as unusually confident, assertive and virile (men with deep voices father significantly more offspring than other men).
If asked, women say they prefer the sound of men with deep voices. This is especially around the so-called “high risk” point in their menstrual cycle when Oestrogen levels are at their peak. Men with low-pitched voices sound healthier, older, more dominant, and more masculine, music to a woman’s ears really.
Stand tall
As surprising as it may seem, the content of your conversation is only a minute contributor to the phenomenon of a conversation, while body language and voice tonality makes up the bulk of it.
Standing tall and straight, or even sitting straight gives the illusion that a man is bigger than he really is, not to mention the confidence that is derived from the body language.
What you haven’t heard
Studies reveal that a wider vocabulary is linked to higher levels of intelligence, obviously the display of your full range of lexical prowess isn’t a simple thing to do over the course of a simple conversation; however the use of rare words will have the same effect.
Apparently before it was a genre of music, rapping was a way to seduce women and many claim that it worked. The simple science behind the whole rapping story is that combining words in a clever, inventive way is regarded as a demonstration of intelligence as well as being an obvious indicator of a creative sense of humor.
We have all heard the story about how 83% of women said the number one quality they look for in a man is his ability to make them laugh; even though we all agree that a 100% of them were thinking “six-pack and brown eyes”, 83% is still a fairly good number.
Future plans
This is a personal favourite, women tend to plan much farther ahead than men do and that’s partly the reason why a man with a vision about his future is a huge turn on, provided of course that your vision doesn’t involve enslaving mankind.
Talk about your dreams and your goals, what you plan to do and where you want to be someday.
This could very well be the most important tip on the list. Always listen to her, make sure that she gets equal chance to express her views and that the conversation is as much about her as it is about you.
By Dilshan Senaratne