Tough Love Answered

May 19 2014.

views 1493

Tough Love Answered

Sithmi and Nikky, sisters take on some tough questions about things guys really want to find out.

1. What is your definition of emotional intimacy?

Sithmi - I think that it is a sense of closeness and mutual trust you feel with someone else. When you can understand and accept each other, show affection and freely share your personal feelings with them.
Nikky - If I had to define it I'd go with being extremely comfortable with the person, like even being silent while the person is next to you isn't just an awkward moment.

2. Name one thing that is such a turn off about guys.

Sithmi - Haha it's difficult to name just one thing! I say it's a guy who is smug or over-uses pick up lines! If he thinks he's it, all i want to do is prove him wrong or if everything he says sounds like a line, I lose interest. Just be secure of yourself, be pleasant and try to have fun!
Nikky - Extreme hairiness! or just bad manners.

3. What is the first thing you tend to notice when you meet a guy?

Sithmi - The first thing I notice would be his facial features like eyes, smile and hair.
Nikky - The smile.

4. What do you think about guys who ‘count calories’? (gymaholics)

Sithmi - They're hot! lol but tend to get too distracted by the way they look. Personality matters most in the end.
Nikky - To each his own, but count calories for yourself alone, not everyone likes counting everything.

5. Do you believe that long distance relationships can work?

Sithmi - Depends on the people involved and their devotion to each other. I personally know some cases where it worked out and others where it didn't.
Nikky - I do, I've personally witnessed it work. it's just a matter of how badly you want it to work.

6. What are your thoughts about spending the rest of your life with one person?

Sithmi - If you are right for each other and not just tolerating the other, I think it's very romantic.
Nikky - It's a lovely concept that involves a lot of sacrifice (which most people aren't willing to give) but I think has the best results when you keep at it.

7. Do you really believe that men find women with curves more appealing than slim figured models?

Sithmi - I think different men like different figures and all figures are awesome.
Nikky - I think everyone has their own tastes. If I was a man though I'd pick curves!


  1. Rita says:

    Who are these two? and why do their opinions matter? aren't there better articles your'll can publish?

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