Tough Love Answered: Ali

Jun 30 2014.

views 602

This week we have Ali taking on the tough six for the boys. Here’s how he fared…

1. What is love to you?

Love is one invisible force that bring two or more people more closer to each other to an extend where caring is one important factor

2. What is a woman's best feature?

How genuine her smile is.

3. Women who cook or women who work? Pick.

Women who work.

4. What is one thing you think is upsetting about girls today?

The thing that they simply can change their mind on believing rumors about their boyfriend.

5. What does a committed relationship mean to you?

A committed relationship means a lot because it enhances a lot of care, love and respect between two people.

6. What do you think about girls who go to the gym?

A girl who really wants to shape up hitting the gym is acceptable and I think she is really fit and healthy and also gives her a bonus point of being sexy.

By Hasna Saleem


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