Feb 25 2013.
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Women in general tend to be enigmatic to the point of confusing men with a rather impressive flare and within the context of this article it’s nearly impossible to tell when a girl is flirting. I know it sounds ironic but it’s true, it’s next to impossible to tell when a girl is flirting or when she isn’t owing to two reasons.
The first reason is that women tend to differ from one another in a much broader range of variance than men do. Part of the reason why men are considered so predictable is that as a species man tends to have the same characteristics, varying ever so slightly from one man to another.
An example is how most men if not all of them unite when it comes to video games, their gigantic egos, concerns about whether size matters and well Kim Kardashian. Women on the other hand are much more different among each other, probably why they never even get along among themselves too easily. (oh you’re feminist? bite me)
The second reason is that women always have the upper hand in a conventional setting where a man is making the moves on her. Being the aggressor, the man stands to be the one who risks rejection while at most times the flirting on the part of the woman tends to be subtle and ambiguous.
Having established that women as a species are a headache that needs be dealt with, let’s get down to the signs that suggest she is flirting or interested. Caution; if you mess up at a point after you realize that she’s flirting, chances are she will go cold before you can say “flirt”, so always remember follow through is key.
The cheeseburger principle
I can’t remember where I picked this up from but I know it made a lot of sense at the time and I’ve made my own modifications to the principle. You know how when someone is eating a cheese burger in front of you, it’s so difficult to keep your eyes off of it?
Well someone took that so-called principle out of context and applied it to flirting. The concept is that sometimes women tend to keep their eyes on you even though they might be engaged in conversation with other people. This eye contact is generally a good rule to go by.
The walk-by
This is a popular move made by women everywhere, specially when they’re younger and more free in their movements. If she finds you endearing, she will make it a point to walk past you, often going out of her way, just to get your attention.
This tactic is an obvious cry for attention and is one of the better signs that she’s getting flirty.
Playing lipsie
Female lips are a hotspot for concentrated sexual energy and have been known through the ages to be connected internally to her vaginal lips. Moving beyond the pseudo sciences, women use their lips in seductive ways to get attention to them.
Using lip gloss, playing with the straw she’s drinking from, licking her lips etc. are all popular notions of interest.
Divide to conquer
If a woman finds a crafty way to get you alone and away from the rest of your friends, you can bet that you have a flirt in your hands. Women act in packs as a habit and the only time she’ll separate from her pack and go one-on-one is when she’s interested in making a kill.
Mirror effect
The mirror effect is popular in almost any body language guide. If she mirrors the gestures and movements you make, there’s a good chance that she’s into you.
Hair play
Playing with her hair is another good way to say she’s interested in what she’s eyeing. A woman who plays with her hair is also looking to be entertained; this playful gesture is a sign that says she might be the thrill seeking type.
Breaking the touch barrier
Any woman who breaks the proverbial touch barrier on her own accord is definitely interested in a little bit more than what she’s getting at the moment. In the art of seduction, touch is referred to as kinesthetics and is a sure fire way to escalate comfort. If you find yourself on the receiving end of it, you might want to be a little bolder in your approach.
By Dilshan Senaratne
Bandara Batuwewegedara says:
Mar 18, 2014 at 12:00 amWhat you can say????????