Baby Banter - (Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
And there it sits, pristine and white, glistening like a shimmering white coral on the floor of the seabed, what could it be, you ask? Well it’s my one tooth, my greatest achievement to date. Boy was it hard pushing that one out. Mum, you thought labour was bad, this one just takes the biscuit. At first, I wondered what was happening, my bottom gum tingled, it twitched, it seemed to be inhabited by some alien invasion..what’s this, I thought. I feel this great urge to gnaw on my rubber ducky and slobber a whole lot. And then it hit me, the pain..OH the pain.
The mind numbing, finger curling, excruciating pain. That’s how Mum found me, curled up in a ball in a corner of my cot, covered in drool, screaming my lungs outs like Andrea Bocelli in the Phantom of the Opera. Mum looked worried as she touched my forehead, ‘Oh dear you seem to be burning up’..jpg)
That’s right Mum, give me something, anything…I heard chocolate can always soothe the aching soul! She rushes me over to Dad, who nonchalantly takes a look at me and says, 'It’s probably a tooth coming in.' What? He doesn’t even touch me. take my vitals Dad, height, weight, genetic line.. c’mon at least look behind my ears or count how many toes I’ve got. If I wasn’t his offspring I’d probably get charged with a thumping bill just for that ‘look’. Doctors these days, c’mon let me at him Mum, I want to bite him, I could do lots of damage with this one tooth.
You’ll be amazed, Baby with a steel clamp, that’s me!. Actually talking about biting, I really need to bite something, anything you’ve got, is it a full moon today? I might be turning into baby Dracula. Who knows what is happening to my body. As mum tries to find something for me to gnaw, I use my hand instead. Oh the pain!.Finally after what seems like a lifetime Mum swoons down on me with a rubbery toy from the fridge.
Ahh..the cool rubbery texture feels wonderful on my aching gums. I go at it like a dog at a bone. Such bliss, my gums are soothed and I feel human again. Sheesh do I really have go through this pain and trauma when all my teeth come in? I can go through life with just my one tooth, I can’t do this 28 times!!!.. I think Seeya’s dentures would do nicely for me. Life is so hard when you’re a baby!!!
Expert Advice
Baby and Teething
Your baby is teething when his or her first set of teeth, called primary teeth, break through the gums. Teething usually begins around 6 months of age. But it is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 months and 12 months of age.
By the time your child is about 3 years old, he or she will have all 20 primary teeth.The lower front teeth usually come in first. Upper front teeth usually come in 1 to 2 months after the lower front teeth.
What are the symptoms?
Some babies are fussier than usual when they are teething. This may be because of soreness and swelling in the gums before a tooth comes through. These symptoms usually begin about 3 to 5 days before the tooth shows, and they disappear as soon as the tooth breaks the skin.
Many babies don’t seem to be affected by teething.Babies may bite on their fingers or toys to help relieve the pressure in their gums. They may also refuse to eat and drink because their mouths hurt.Many babies drool during teething, which can cause a rash on the chin, face, or chest.Mild symptoms that get better usually are nothing to worry about. Call your doctor if your baby’s symptoms are severe or don’t get better.
How can you make your baby more comfortable?
Give your baby a mild pain reliever that is labelled for his or her specific age. For example, panadol, but always consult your paediatrician if you are unsure before you administer any medicine.
Use a clean finger (or cold teething ring) to gently rub your baby›s gum for about 2 minutes at a time. Many babies find this soothing, although they may protest at first.
Provide safe objects for your baby to chew on, such as teething rings.
Many parents use other teething remedies, such as gels you put on a baby's gums. Many experts question if these work and are safe. If you want to try these products, talk to your doctor about which types are safe and how often to use them.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe