I have been watching the parents. I have made discoveries. And fellow baby peeps the findings will knock your flowery socks off! There are severe discrepancies when it comes to the rules that we, their beloved babies, have to live by and what they, the duplicitous parents really adhere to themselves.
Okay let's take this little bit of a scenario as an example. I, the beautiful cherub of a toddler thinks that ice-cream is a great meal option when it comes to breakfast. I mean really don't you agree??? Cold, sweet and loads of calories just perfect for a growing child. But mother dearest says “NO”, it's unhealthy and all that sugar will just give me mood swings. All this whilst she gives me this extremely important lecture, what does she sip on...a frappacino, mocha latte thingy with extra whipped cream this sugary monstrosity makes her look like her head is lost in the clouds when she sips it..okay so that's a more healthy option than ice-cream!!! You see, you see.
Yeah they make us eat stuff like spinach and carrots and here they are chowing down on the good stuff. I feel a mood swing coming on right now! Right so here's another, Mother dearest reads one of those new fangled parenting articles about how mobile devices, iPads or any other portable device that I can play Candy Crush on is bad for a growing toddler. Something about too much radiation and possibly lack of developing social and intellectual abilities, I dunno there was a whole lot of mumbo jumbo that she read out, may I bring to your attention Judge and jury that this information was read out on her own snazzy iPhone, whilst she was tweeting, face-booking and pin-intersting her day.
My bedtime bottle was ten minutes late the other day because she had to update Facebook status. SIGH. I need to find a emoji to explain my baby frustration!!!! Or how about the fact that the Parents go on about how precious you are to them, that you're their one and only, that they would do anything for you...all that sweet talk and come Saturday night they are begging anyone to baby sit whilst they gallivant around town, totally oblivious of their precious child. Yeah you see what I mean they aren't to be trusted,. So they say no chocolates and junk food just before bed time, watch us they say we eat healthy, but I know what you do the minute our little heads hit the sack. Break into those packets of crisps, tear open that family size pack of Galaxy sweeties, whilst you troll through old classmate photos on Facebook. So the fight is real, fellow baby peeps, how can be combat this and save ourselves...just don't listen to them I say!
Why is sugar bad for your child?
Try not to give your baby foods that are high in sugar or salt. These foods are low in the nutrients he needs and it's easy for your baby to fill up on them, leaving less room for healthy meals. If your baby gets a taste for sugary, salty foods, it may be harder for you to persuade him to try healthy options. It can be hard to keep your little one away from sweets and chocolate. But the high sugar content of sweets and chocolate means they're best avoided. Sugar makes enamel-attacking acid in your child's mouth. If you do give your little one sweets, they're best eaten at mealtimes. When we eat a meal, the amount of saliva in our mouths increases. Saliva helps to neutralise the effects of the tooth-attacking acid. If you do give your baby sweets, encourage him to eat all the sweets in one go. A portion of four sweets, such as chocolate buttons, in 10 minutes is less harmful for his teeth than one every half hour for two hours.
You could give your baby a piece of cheese as soon as possible after he has finished the sweets to neutralise the sugars. And make sure that his next tooth brushing session is thorough. (Advice from the Babycenter)
Are electronic devices bad for babies?
Babies and toddlers love playing with smartphones and tablets, and quickly get the hang of them. When you're a busy parent, it’s an easy way to keep your baby or young child entertained while you cook the dinner or finish a car journey. You may also feel it's important for your child to get a head start on learning digital skills.But many experts worry that too much screen time may be harmful for babies and children, even at a very young age. The professional body for pediatricians, the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, says that children are exposed to screens for longer amounts of time than ever before.Touch-screen technology makes it very easy for even babies to use tablets. Doctors are concerned about how screen use affects children's rapidly developing brains. Doctors say that over-exposure has an impact on attention span and concentration, as well as appetite control. Screen time encourages a more sedentary lifestyle. Babies should be encouraged to explore the world physically and toddlers need to be active for three hours a day to grow healthily.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe