The big Six

May 21 2013.

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(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
The big Six
Hang those balloons, pop open the champagne or in my case another bottle of formula, I have turned six months. Yes it was a long hard journey of dealing with a half awake mum, a lot of throws up and strange poopy diapers. But Mummy and I survived we are troopers. "I love my Mummy yeah yeah I love my Mum”!, come on Mum get your groove on hip hop soothes my soul. This is a party isn’t it?. 
Okay how about this one ‘ You’re the one I waaant, you’re the one I neeeed, c’mon baby its yoooouuu!!”. I belt out some tunes, and Dad shouts from the other room “I’m trying to do some work, can we keep the noise down!!!.” Noise? Noise!? did he just call my singing noise?...alright someone’s gonna get peeed on tonight. Anyway decided to act like a diva and move my arms and legs around really fast whilst Mum tried to dress me, just as she tries to put the T-shirt I do a wriggle and a wiggle…HA!..missed again Mummy.
So after half an hour of trying to dress me Mum gives up, wraps me in a blanket and straps me into the car seat. Are we taking the party to a club?..yeah I feel a dance off coming on or maybe it’s gas from that red rice and dhal. Whew..anyways shall pass the time by counting clouds. One cloud…ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Open my eyes and shock and horror we are at the doctors. This is Mum’s idea of a good time..sheesh. The baby doctor’s giving me a look over. Yes, yes medically knowledgeable person I know I am perfect, I am the best you’ve ever seen. “The baby’s wonderful Mrs Jayasinghe, now let’s talk about giving some variety to his diet”. I laugh out loud at this statement, I am privy to Mummy’s cooking abilities and I’ve seen the stuff she gets Dad to eat. I’ll just stick to my vomitus red rice and dhal, lets not go crazy now.
As I was babbling on about how Mum’s no culinary goddess I get a sinister vibe in the air. What’s that baby doctor doing, why is she pulling on her gloves and tapping an injection with a needle the size of a satellite. OH NO, I’ve been tricked, I been duped…it’s a coming it’s a coming… the Jab…help, she grabs my thigh, it takes a village of nurses to hold me down. Oh the pain, the agony, someone look I can’t..have I lost a leg…I do what I do best, I scream ….I WANT MY MUMMMY!!!! 
Expert Advice – Baby at six months
The following are some milestones at baby can do at six months.   
Turns towards sounds and voices
Imitates sounds, blows bubbles
Rolls in both directions Reaches for objects and mouths them
Sits without support
Is ready for solids May lunge forward or start crawling
May jabber or combine syllables
May drag object towards himself
Baby Babble
At early ages when babbling first appears (6 to 8 months), babbling doesn’t truly “mean” anything. A baby may repeat the syllables “ma-ma-ma-ma” but may not yet realize that these sounds can be used to represent his mother. Rather, he is simply experimenting with the mouth and the process of sound formation. But that doesn’t mean that babbling is not important!
As children experiment with sounds and learn how to control their articulators, they are setting the stage for the development of their first words and for future language skills. Also, babbling helps babies experience the social aspects of communication.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


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