Swept off my feet

Aug 13 2013.

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Usually the phrase ‘swept off my feet’ comes with it some excitement, a new love a romantic rendezvous, it hints of the fun and gaiety to be had. Not in my life unfortunately….kill the violins and cue the crying baby.Yes I admit it, I am swept off my feet everyday, all thanks to fuzzy kids, teething babies, tedious housework and numerous mundane tasks to be completed.
It is pulse racing and breath taking, but mostly because the kids are doing that ONE thing I asked them not to do and I can feel my blood slowly starting to boil or baby in one arm I’m rushing around attending to the multitude of household tasks that have to be done all at the same time. I could literally be in an iron man race for mummies. 
But after awhile, day in and day out, this tough regime starts to have its drawbacks. There are some days I can literally feel my hairs grow grey with the stress of it all and I am an irritable wreck. Parenting is the only job where there are no holidays, weekends and even your nights are a bit questionable. You can have a multitude of people helping you but your parental radar is always ON, and frankly it’s exhausting.
But the reality is that you will not stop being a parent and you should never palm off this beautiful relationship to someone else. We must pull up our socks and strive hard to make it work, and enjoy it whilst being in the thick and thin of it. Parents need help and here are some ways to come out of this sticky situation, sane and carefree.

Parenting Stress Busters
At least once a week try and have some alone time with your partner. That doesn’t mean letting the kids tag along and you grab a quick coffee whilst they play in the play area. You and your partner are the parents to these children and you must work on your relationship, with this united front, you can face any parenting tribulation.
Whenever you can engage in a selfish act all to yourself, be it an exercise class, a session at the spa, shopping by yourself. Reward yourself with that alone time to recoupe for what lies ahead.
Get rid of those things that irritate and are more harmful than helpful, for e.g a disobedient servant or an interfering relative. These all case undue stress and leave you irritable, thus hindering the already stressful parenting experience.
Try and do something fun everyday, this could be on your own or with your children, I personally find experiencing my children’s joy the best medicine to all my woes. Be it chocolate cupcakes for tea or a 3D movie, try and do something that brings joy to you everyday.
Remember to live each day as it comes, the parenting experience is a complicated, multifaceted relationship. It is best enjoyed when you do not stress over every little wrong or right your child has done or not done. It is a learning experience for all, and each day is a brand new day to make it all right.
Of course some of these things have been said by many over and over again. But when we are in the thick and thin of parenting and are nerves are harried and on edge, just before we tip over to the madness, remember at least one of these outlets on this list, it will bring you back into sanity.
Being a parent is such a beautiful relationship and we should be privileged to be there to see our children grow up, it is up to us make it enjoyable or not.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


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