Privacy in Relationships

Jul 21 2014.

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Your Opinion – The right to privacy in a relationship

Vinu - This is a right everybody should have regardless of the type of relationship. I feel not wanting to give the other person their privacy is you indirectly telling them that you don't trust them. It's one of those fundamental things you need for a relationship to last.

Kisal - I Believe the PRIVACY concept depends from people to people. In my opinion what I believe is we should share about about our day to day activities and we should be honest with each other. All in all my belief is the whole RIGHT TO PRIVACY thought may ruin a relationship pretty bad.

(Kisal on left)

Abdus Salaam - You have the right to privacy in marriage, in a family, in any relationship, in any gathering, the right to keep a piece of your life a mystery, regardless of how insignificant or how imperative, just on the grounds that you need it to be that way. Furthermore you have the right to be distant from everyone else some piece of every day, every week, and every year, to invest time with yourself. 

Natasha - One's personal space in every relationship is a must because, being with someone else shouldn't prevent you from growing as an individual. One always has the right to keep intimate details private such as passwords, diaries etc. It's not hiding or cheating, it's learning to trust without over sharing.

Ronali - When you are in a relationship the level of privacy is less compared to when they are just friends. But don’t get me wrong. There has to be a certain level of privacy. People need their ‘alone time’ from each other.

Nishan – I believe that in every relationship each partner should have their fair share of privacy so that the relationship as they would call it now would be a *chilled out relationship* I believe the main concept to build a successful relationship is trust. And if two partners trust each other well, the the privacy in the relationship will automatically come.

By Hasna Saleem


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