Jun 23 2014.
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Aisha - The usual trend is that girls always try to play harder to get even if the guy plays hard to get, however nowadays girls are more straightforward and they wouldn't mind initiating the first move but in my opinion it varies from individual to individual depending on the situation.
Madhurangi - Men! Women will play the game but halfway, will give in. No we won't admit to it. But I think in this day and age men play more hard to get than women. Switching of roles in these modern times perhaps?
Sagar - Women clearly. I think men are more conscious around a woman they admire, and would try their best to “make it happen fast”. Women in that sense portray a more care free attitude, which makes it difficult to distinguish if it is intentional or not.
Shenuka - Women play harder to get because they derive more benefit. It’s a common thought that it increases their value and demand and since men like taking risks they might just go for it. But for men, playing hard doesn't really work as they might lose their only opportunity.
Shehara - We live in a world where no one wants to appear easy, and everyone wants to feel desired, and it is mostly the fairer sex who strive to strike a balance between the two by playing "hard to get". It isn't about teasing him; it's also about testing his commitment and how far he'd go for you.
Ushan - Okay, it's hard to say whether men or women play harder to get what they want, but honestly, in a general perspective, men tend to do it more. Maybe since most men have that little inner ego which makes them work to getting what they want , some tend to let that ego go ahead and do whatever it takes to have it their way. Sometimes it may not be to do bad to the woman involved, but usually ends up being a problem to her anyway. Simply it's guy desperation, most of us have it.
By Hasna Saleem