Nice Guys Finish Last (Part 1)

Mar 11 2013.

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The bedroom is one place where the sport is completely stacked against men, allowing women to perform leagues better than most men they encounter with relative ease. From the very start, men are at a relatively disadvantageous situation with women being hard enough to seduce as it is. The misery continues for men even when they have successfully gotten the said woman into bed; men suffer from a great deal of anxiety with relation to how big they are, how long they last and whether or not they managed to get her where she wanted to go.
The predicaments seem to never stop, to start with there is very little indication of whether or not a woman is genuinely enjoying herself or merely faking it, a 60% of women reportedly having faked an orgasm in their lifetimes doesn’t help the situation. Out of the many plights that man must struggle with a prevalent one is how long a man can last in bed.
The average ranges from 3 minutes to 15 minutes but the reason to worry is that the average woman generally takes 20 minutes to orgasm. Premature ejaculation in extreme cases is a clinical condition which might need medical attention but for the majority of men, a few of these tips should help bridge the gap.
Stamina Condoms
Let’s take the easiest method first, I mean if this fixes your problem why bother with all the other complicated stuff, right? Well yeah I guess unless you want to be some kind of sex god. The whole concept behind stamina condoms is that there’s a slight dose of a numbing agent deposited in the condom which numbs you reducing sensitivity and making the attainment of an orgasm relatively difficult.
As simple as it sounds, it does work and isn’t all that hard to execute, the one or two pitfalls of a stamina condom is that it might lower your sensitivity to the point where you lose your erection, or it might not feel too great what with the lowered sensitivity.
Work on your PC muscles
This is widely regarded as the most efficient way to develop your stamina in bed and is one of the fundamentals of tantric sex if I’m not very much mistaken. The PC muscles are a set of internal muscles which supposedly helps hold back ejaculation.
The way to develop the muscles is like the development of any other muscle; contract and relax the muscles repetitively for progressive amounts of repetitions. The harder part is finding the PC muscles, the easiest way I can explain it is; try and stop your urine midstream the next time you pee, the muscles used to stop the flow of urine are the PC muscles.
The orange
This is a personal addition and I’m not sure if anyone has tried this one before, but well it works (at least for me). It’s simple, whenever you feel like you’re arriving at an early end, just close your eyes and think of an orange (yes, like the fruit!).
I have no explanation as to why this works, but a more popular variation is to imagine the hunchback of Notre Dame. The general concept in my opinion is to distract yourself with the thought of something that is not at all sexual in any given way. The problem that I can predict for this method is that it might not work for people who find it difficult to imagine things and aren’t generally very visual. 
Position it right  
Everyone knows the basics of different positions but what most people aren’t aware of is that these positions actual serve the purpose of helping to leverage control and to reduce or increase the concentration of sensations to one partner.
For example doggy-style is known as one of the least favourable for men who suffer from premature ejaculation issues while cow-girl is shown to be a much better option due both to the woman’s control over the pace and the ease with which she can orgasm in this position.
Increasing the amount of time spent indulging in foreplay greatly increases the amount of time you can spend in bed. The reason is that it causes the anxiety levels and the tension levels to go down thus making sex less intense.
By Dilshan Senaratne


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